Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30-1:45pm, Gore Hall 114

Office hours: Thursdays 4pm, SHL 260

Course evaluation: 20% homework, 25% Midterm exam 1, 25% Midterm exam 2, 30% Final exam

Instructor: Prof. Alexei Kananenka, akanane@udel.edu

Text: R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 1994, 2nd Ed., Corrected printing, 2014.

Also Recommended: J. J. Sakurai, J. Napolitano, Modern Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2017; S. Weinberg, Lectures of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2015; L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics (Non-relativistic theory), 3rd Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1981; D. J. Griffiths, D. F. Schroeter, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018. 

Canvas: This course will use Canvas. Problems with Canvas should be directed to ITS.

Prerequisite: PHYS 607: Mathematical and Computer-Algebra Methods in Physics.

Grades: Grades will be assigned as follows: A – 80% and above, F – below 40%, each 4% is one grade increment.

Course content: General principles of quantum mechanics: Hilbert space, discrete and continuum states, operators, observables, momentum operator, Hamiltonian, three pictures of quantum mechanics, density matrix, pure and mixed states; Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, simple problems in one dimension. Symmetries: generators of symmetry, similarity transformations, space translation, time translation and inversion.

Particle states in a central potential: angular momentum operator, Schrödinger equation for a central potential, Spherical harmonics, Hydrogen atom, Harmonic oscillator.

Spin, total angular momentum, angular momentum multiplets, addition of angular momenta, Clebsh-Gordan coefficients, Wigner-Eckart theorem.

Identical particles, symmetrization postulate, bosons and fermions.

Approximations for energy eigenvalues: nondegenerate and degenerate stationary perturbation theory, the Zeeman effect, the Stark effect, the fine structure of Hydrogen atom, variational methods, ground state of helium atom.

Assignments (20% course grade): Roughly every week there will be an assignment due. Assignments will be posted on Thursdays and will be due the following Thursday in class. It will consist of two types of problems: (a) similar to problems from Shankar’s text and the lecture material; (b) taken from Griffiths-Schroeter’s text. The latter text will not be covered in class and the subjects of the problems from this text will in general be unrelated to lectures. These assignments are an integral component of this course and may require a substantial amount of work. No assignments will be dropped from your grade for any reason (if you are sick and the solutions have already been given out, you will have to do a different make-up assignment). Students are expected to solve homework problems by themselves, although discussions with fellow students are encouraged. Use of solutions from previous years, from the web, from solutions manuals, etc. is not allowed.

Midterm Exam 1 (25% course grade): March 24, in class.

Midterm Exam 2 (25% course grade): May 3, in class.

Final Exam (30% course grade): May 23, 1-3pm Gore Hall 114.

Excused Absences: Absences on religious holidays listed in University calendars are recognized as excused absences. Nevertheless, students are urged to remind the instructor of their intention to be absent on a particular upcoming holiday. Absences on religious holidays not listed in University calendars, as well as absences due to athletic participation or other extracurricular activities in which students are official representatives of the University, shall be recognized as excused absences when the student informs the instructor in writing during the first two weeks of the semester of these planned absences for the semester.

Academic Integrity: Please familiarize yourself with UD policies regarding academic dishonesty. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an assignment, to re-submit the same assignment for different classes, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance. Complete details of the university’s academic integrity policies and procedures can be found at sites.udel.edu/studentconduct/sgup/. Office of Student Conduct, 218 Hullihen Hall, (302) 831-2117. E-mail: student-conduct@udel.edu.

Harassment and Discrimination: The University of Delaware works to promote an academic and work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment. As a member of the community, your rights, resource and responsibilities are reflected in the non-discrimination and sexual misconduct policies. Please familiarize yourself with these policies at www.udel.edu/oei. You can report any concerns to the University’s Office of Equity & Inclusion, at 305 Hullihen Hall, (302) 831-8063 or you can report anonymously through UD Police (302) 831-2222 or the EthicsPoint Compliance Hotline at www1.udel.edu/compliance. You can also report any violation of UD policy on harassment, discrimination, or abuse of any person at this site: sites.udel.edu/sexualmisconduct/how-to-report.

Faculty Statement on Disclosures of Instances of Sexual Misconduct: If, at any time during this course, I happen to be made aware that a student may have been the victim of sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, or stalking), I am obligated by federal law to inform the university’s Title IX Coordinator. The university needs to know information about such incidents, not only offer resources, but to ensure a safe campus environment. The Title IX Coordinator will decide if the incident should be examined further. If such a situation is disclosed to me in class, in a paper assignment, or in office hours, I promise to protect your privacy-I will not disclose the incident to anyone but the Title IX Coordinator. For more information on Sexual Misconduct policies, where to get help, and reporting information, please refer to www.udel.edu/sexualmisconduct. At UD, we provide 24/7/365 crisis assistance and victim advocacy and counseling. Contact 302-831-1001 to get in touch with a sexual offense support advocate, as well as confidential and anonymous counseling services for other concerns.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Any student who thinks he/she may need an accommodation based on a disability should contact the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) office as soon as possible. Students who have documentation of their need for accommodation should register via the SAM platform. Reach DSS in the following ways: Phone: 302-831-4643, fax: 302-831-3261, DSS website. Email: dssoffice@udel.edu or visit at 240 Academy Street, Alison Hall Suite 130. During COVID-19, Disability Support Services staff are available remotely. Please call 302-831-4643 during business hours (8-5 M-F) or email dssoffice@udel.edu for assistance.

Non-Discrimination: The University of Delaware does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, disability, religion, age, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in its employment, educational programs and activities, admissions policies, and scholarship and loan programs as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies. The University of Delaware also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence. For inquiries or complaints related to non-discrimination policies, please contact: Office of Equity & Inclusion-oei@udel.edu, 305 Hullihen Hall Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-8063. For complaints related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact: Office of Disability Support Services, dssoffice@udel.edu, Alison Hall, Suite 130, Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-4643 OR contact the U.S. Department of Education – Office for Civil Rights.

The Safety of Our Learning Environment: Student learning can only occur when students and their instructors feel safe, respected, and supported by each other. To ensure that our learning environment is as safe as possible, and In keeping with CDC guidelines to slow the transmission of COVID-19 and the University of Delaware’s Return to Campus Guidelines (Health and Safety Section), we will adhere to the practice of wearing face masks and cleaning your seat and desk area at the beginning of class. This means that you: (1) Must wear a cloth mask that covers your nose and mouth; (2) Must not eat or drink in class; (3) Upon entering the classroom, wipe down your seat and desk area. As necessary, the University may announce modifications to these practices. In that event, these guidelines will be updated to reflect those modifications.