Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Position Openings


DNR alters warden hiring to specific station applications
Candidates no longer must wait to learn where they will be based
DATE:  June 2, 2016
Contact: Warden Jeffrey King, Assistant Training Director, 608-219-4887 or jeffrey.king@wi.gov

For the first time in the Wis. Department of Natural Resources conservation warden hiring process, job-seekers will be able to apply for specific Wisconsin warden stations instead of waiting for assignment at the end of their training.

Warden Jeffrey King, who also serves as assistant training director for the DNR Bureau of Law Enforcement, says the change follows comments from some potential candidates who said not knowing work locations was a factor for not applying.

“We heard from some who believed this law enforcement job was for them, but the thought of not knowing where a family may have to be moved stopped some in their tracks,” King said. “And we want to make the decision to apply easy to ensure we get the best candidates we can.”

King says the bureau has worked a couple of years on this change and has developed a way to announce which stations will be filled. “We will start this with the Class of 2017,” he said of the hiring process currently under way. Conservation Warden – Job Announcement

Northern, northeast stations targeted

In the current hiring, the DNR is seeking up to 12 conservation wardens to fill current and anticipated vacancies across Wisconsin.   These wardens will become the Class of 2017 and begin their career at the Law Enforcement Academy in January 2017. In May, they leave the academy based at Fort McCoy and do field training with experienced wardens for the rest of the year before taking on their assignment at their assigned stations before the year ends.

Five of 12 stations which will be filled from the Class of 2017 are: Lakewood in Oconto County, Shawano West in Shawano County, Gordon in Douglas County, Hurley in Iron County and Merrill in Lincoln County.  Seven more will be announced later during the ongoing hiring process. 

Wisconsin’s Conservation Wardens are law enforcement officers who are responsible for educating the public and enforcing all laws related to hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, snowmobiling, using all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicles (ATV, UTV), environmental protection and the protection of our state parks, forests and lands.

Looking for a rewarding career?  To apply, go to dnr.wi.gov  and search “warden recruit”.   Log into Blue Hen Careers powered by Handshake to apply.  Hurry, this opportunity closes on June 29th, 2016 and goes away for another year.   If you have any questions, please call or text 608-219-4887 or email jeffrey.king@wi.gov .
