Diseases of Cucurbit Seedlings

Jake Jones, Extension Agriculture Agent, Kent County; jgjones@udel.edu Gummy Stem blight is caused by Stagonosporopsis spp. and can occur on cucurbit crops and seedlings. It can be introduced from infected seed or seedlings, highlighting the importance of greenhouse and field… Continue Reading

Managing Diseases in Greenhouse Grown Melon Transplants

Kate Everts, Vegetable Pathologist, University of Delaware and University of Maryland; keverts@umd.edu Examine greenhouse transplants daily. Below are pictures of common diseases that show up on transplants and some advice on how to manage each disease. Additional information is available… Continue Reading

Inspect Watermelon and Cantaloupe Transplants, New Bacterial Fruit Blotch Factsheet

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; gcjohn@udel.edu As watermelon and cantaloupe transplanting continues on Delmarva, growers are reminded to inspect plants before they are transplanted into the field for signs of disease including Bacterial Fruit Blotch, Gummy Stem Blight,… Continue Reading