Weather Maps July 7th
1 Week Accumulated Growing Degree Days 1 Month Accumulated Growing Degree Days 1 Week Accumulated Precipitation 1 Month Accumulated Precipitation
1 Week Accumulated Growing Degree Days 1 Month Accumulated Growing Degree Days 1 Week Accumulated Precipitation 1 Month Accumulated Precipitation
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, Alfalfa Alfalfa Potato leafhopper populations are increasing. Most alfalfa should be ready to harvest at this point, but for fields that are not at bud or flowering, a good threshold table can be found on… Continue Reading
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, Vineyards Pay special attention to Japanese beetle. A small demo plot at Carvel had significant defoliation this week. Defoliation thresholds for Japanese beetle are 15 to 20 percent leaf defoliation. Tree fruit Stink bugs continue… Continue Reading
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, Cucurbits Squash vine borer and Squash bug continue to attack summer squashes. Treat for squash bug when there is an average of 1 egg mass per plant once egg masses begin hatching. You may have… Continue Reading
Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crops Pathologist; I have been seeing the first tassels in corn over the past few days. As tasseling begins, it is a good time to scout fields to decide if a fungicide will be applied.… Continue Reading