2016 Horticulture Short Courses

For the complete list of 2016 courses go to: http://extension.udel.edu/lawngarden/commercial-horticulture/2016-horticulture-short-courses/

Pest and Beneficial Insect Walks
June 8     4:00 -6:00 p.m.
Sussex County Extension Office
16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE

Register with Tracy Wootten (302) 856-7303 or wootten@udel.edu


June 22     4:00 -6:00 p.m.
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
531 S College Avenue, Newark, DE
(Meet at the entrance to Fischer Greenhouse.)

Register with Carrie Murphy (302) 831-2506 or cjmurphy@udel.edu.

Cost: $15
Credits: 2 Pest., 2 ISA,1 CNP
Learn to identify insect and disease pests, as well as beneficial insects in the landscape at either the Sussex County Extension Office or the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens. Instructors: Nancy Gregory, Brian Kunkel, Carrie Murphy, Tracy Wootten, and Megan Pleasanton