Insecticide Updates for Vegetable and Fruit Crops

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;

Sevin – Please note that all formulations of this active ingredient (carbaryl) are no longer labeled on succulent shelled peas and beans (Crop Subgroup 6B), which includes but is not limited to lima beans.

Venom Insecticide (Valent USA) – A new supplemental label has been approved by the EPA that contains new crops that Venom is now labeled on. These crops include peaches and nectarines, onion, watercress, various berry crops, and various tuberous and corm vegetables. All labels must also have a state label so you will need to check to be sure these are labeled in your state before using (information is available from your state Department of Agriculture). Consult the label for specific crops, rates and restrictions (