Standout Vining Snow and Snap Pea Varieties

Emmalea Ernest, Extension Fruit & Vegetable Specialist;

In 2023 I tested four vining snap pea varieties and three vining snow peas. All of the varieties require trellising. My trial was planted on March 30 and harvest began on May 31, 62 days after planting (DAP). The final harvest was on June 20, 82 DAP.

Peas growing on the trellis early and later in the season

Peas growing on the trellis early and later in the season

Among the snap pea varieties, Super Sugar Snap produced the highest yields and the largest pods (Table 1). Yields for this variety were greater than 0.5 lb/10 ft over six harvests, with peak harvest at 74 DAP (1556 Base 40° GDD).

Among the snow pea varieties, Frieda Worlds and Green Beauty produced the highest yields (Table 2). Green Beauty produced the largest pods. Green Beauty had a more concentrated harvest, with three days over .05 lbs/10 ft. Frieda Worlds had four harvests over .05 lbs/10 ft. Peak harvest for Green Beauty was earlier than for Frieda Worlds at 64 vs 74 DAP (1390 vs 1556 Base 40° GDD).

Pods from snap pea varieties in the 2023 trial

Pods from snap pea varieties in the 2023 trial

Pods from snow pea varieties in the 2023

Pods from snow pea varieties in the 2023 trial

Yield by harvest