WCU Volume 31, Issue 17 – July 21, 2023

WCU Volume 31, Issue 17 – July 21, 2023

PDF of WCU Volume 31:17 – July 21, 2023

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Vegetable Crops
Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting
Flooding, Waterlogged Soils, and Effects on Vegetables with Special Consideration for Plasticulture Vegetables
Managing Phytophthora in Watermelons
Leafhopper Damage Found on Fruit and Vegetables
Avoiding Plectosporium Blight in Cucurbit Fields in 2023
Controlling Anthracnose and Alternaria Leaf Blights in Cucurbit Crops
Heat Tolerant Lettuce Varieties and Preparing for Fall Lettuce Planting

Fruit Crops
Fruit Crop Insect Scouting
Fruit Crackin

Agronomic Crops
Agronomic Crop Insect Scouting
Soybean Disease Updates

Guess the Pest! July 21

2023 Women in Ag Webinars — 2nd Wednesdays
Farmer Cover Crop Forum – Jul 18 | online
Delaware Grain Marketing Club – Aug 2 | Dover
Hydroponic Food Safety Webinar – Aug 17 | online
Seeking Soils with Acidic pH (<5.8) for Soil pH and Lime Requirement Research
Survey of Italian Ryegrass in Delaware and Maryland
Invited Listening Session on the Financial Needs of Farm and Ranch Families
Participate in Research, Earn Money and Nutrient Management Credits
Farmland Preservation Program August 22nd
Farmland Preservation Program August 24th
Small Grain Grower Meeting
Carvel Field Crop Tour
Farmland and Rental Rate Study


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