Participate in Research, Earn Money and Nutrient Management Credits

Are you a corn grower who wants to earn some money and an extra DE Nutrient Management CEU? Then join us before the Carvel field tour at 2:30 pm in the Carvel meeting room #2 to participate in our research study about In-Season Nitrogen Modeling. Participants will engage in an activity where they will be asked to make in-season N management decisions for a simulated corn crop. Participants will receive 1 Delaware Nutrient Management credit and be paid $50 (as a Walmart or Amazon gift card), with the opportunity to earn up to an additional $90 (as a gift card). Participants should expect to spend 30-45 minutes engaged in this activity prior to boarding the wagons for the field tour beginning at 3:30 pm. Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Please call Hilary Gibson at 302-735-8137 or email