WCU Volume 29, Issue 10 – May 28, 2021

PDF of WCU Volume 29, Issue 10 – May 28, 2021

WCU Subscription Options for 2020: Mail, Fax, Email or Text

How to Contact Extension Agents Working Remotely

Vegetable Crops
Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting
Cover Crops for Row Middles in Plasticulture
Floppy Sweet Corn
Virus Problems Found in Garlic
Watch for Thrips and Mites in Vegetables

Fruit Crops
Tree Fruit Insect Scouting
Carrying Over Plasticulture Strawberries for a Second Year

Agronomic Crops
Agronomic Crop Insect Scouting
Small Grain Diseases Updates
Checking Vegetative Growth Stages
Reduced Grass Control with Postemergence Tank Mixtures
Reminders on Dicamba Use for Soybeans
Enlist Soybean Reminder

True Armyworm and Black Cutwork Trap Report
Guess the Pest! Week 8 Answer: Wireworm
Guess the Pest! Week 9
American Rescue Plan Debt Payments
Should You Get Vaccinated if You Had COVID?

Extension302 PodcastNewest Episode: Cicada Mania!
2021 Women in Ag Webinars — 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Pesticide Core Exam Reviews – Next Jun 23 | Harrington
COVID-19 Vaccination Opportunities in Delaware
Mental Health First Aid Training – Jun 11, Jul 30, Sep 24, Oct 5 | Online
UD Spring Twilight Crop Update – Jun 10 | Online
Vegetative Buffers Demo Days – Jun 3 or 9 | Sharptown, MD or Millsboro
Cultivating Farm and Food Safety for Visitors – Jun 1 | Online

Weather Summary