Sydney Riggi, Extension Agent – Nutrient Management; and Amy Shober, Extension Nutrient Management and Environmental Quality Specialist;
It had been almost an entire year since in-person programming stopped. We understand this is frustrating, especially to those who need programming to maintain state-mandated certifications like nutrient management. There are several options available if you find yourself in need of credits to renew your Delaware Nutrient Management Certification that expires on May 1, 2021.
Option #1: There are currently 23 online continuing education modules available that cover a wide variety of nutrient management related topics. Some of these modules require you to watch a video, while others are readings. Whether you choose a video or a reading you will need to take and pass a short quiz after you complete the module to obtain nutrient management credits. Modules are worth 0.25 to 1.25 CEUs depending on the option. You can access the online modules via the UD Nutrient Management Online Continuing Education website.
Option #2: A packet with reading materials on a variety of subjects related to nutrient management can be mailed to you. Just like the online options, you will need to complete and pass a short quiz after each reading. Once you mail back the completed packet, we will enter credits in your account.
Option #3: The Delaware Department of Agriculture has agreed to extend the certification period by one year for anyone who has a certification that expires on May 1, 2021 and is unable to obtain the necessary credits using options 1 or 2. However, you must contact the Delaware Nutrient Management Program at (302) 698-4500 to receive the extension on your certification period. This extension is not automatic.
If you have questions about available continuing education options, we strongly recommend that you contact Hilary Gibson at 302-735-8137 or email Hilary is happy to guide you through your options and help you choose the one that best suits your circumstances. Hilary can also check your current credits to determine how many credits you need to renew your current certification.