Insecticide Updates

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;

The following are a few new insecticide registrations as well as changes with labeled products that occurred since the last newsletter of 2009. As always, be sure to check the label for labeled crops, labeled crops within a crop grouping, use rates and restrictions. Federal labels can be found at In addition, you should also check the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s website to be sure these materials are labeled in Delaware (to use a material it must have both a state and federal label).

Baythroid XL (beta cyfluthrin) – A new supplemental label now exits and the following revisions and additions to the label include: revised buffer zone requirements, revised spray drift requirements, revised maximum usage chart , increased use rate on alfalfa, new use on cereal grain, and additional pests on grass

Belay (clothianidin) – This label recently expanded to include control of sucking and chewing insects infesting cotton, cranberry, fig, grape, pome fruit, pomegranate, soybean, tuberous and corm vegetables (includes sweet potatoes) and tree nuts ( More vegetable registrations are expected this spring – we will let you know when registrations are received.

Coragen (chlorantraniliprole) – A label expansion occurred at the end of January 2010. Crops that have been added that are important to Delaware include corn (field and sweet), grass (forage, fodder and hay), a number of crops in the herb subgroup, snap beans, lima beans, field and garden peas, non-grass animal feeds, tuberous and corm vegetables. Please refer to the following link for use rates and the full list of crops included (

Furadan (applies to all crops): “Effective December 31, 2009, all crop tolerances for carbofuran were revoked by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This action by EPA effectively stops the use of Furadan on all food crops. As a result of the revocation, the Delaware Department of Agriculture has also cancelled all Special Local Needs labels for all Furadan products labeled in Delaware. Contact your pesticide distributor for assistance with the return or disposal of the any existing stocks. The Department understands that unopened containers may be returned to the pesticide distributors and that open container should be disposed of at local pesticide disposal days. FMC is accepting inventory as follows:

● Full and partially full 15 & 110 gallon U-Turns®

● Unopened 2×2.5 gallon cases in original FMC packaging

Delaware farmers are permitted to dispose of pesticides during Delaware Solid Waste Authority Household Hazardous Waste collection days. DSWA has requested that you contact the DSWA’s Citizen Response Line at 1-800-404-7080 prior to delivery of the pesticides for disposal to make sure DSWA can handle the quantity being disposed of. FMC can be contacted for specific instruction for product return at 1-800-231-5808.” Information provided by Dave Pyne at Delaware Department of Agriculture (302-698-4500).

Inovate – Soybean Seed Treatment – This new soybean seed treatment is now labeled and approved for use in Delaware. It includes the insecticide, NipsIt (clothianidin) and Rancona Xxtra (ipconazole and metalaxyl).

Regent: The following correspondence regarding the use of Regent was received from BASF (the manufacturer of Regent) in February 2010: “On February 3, 2010, the EPA posted a Federal Register notice advising of its decision to allow the expiration of conditional registrations of select fipronil-based products, specifically REGENT 4SC for in-furrow corn application. The EPA felt a number of viable alternatives exist for treating corn furrows for root worm control. Specifically,
(a) REGENT 4SC remains registered for use in potatoes. However, the conditional registration for the commercial product for in-furrow corn application has been allowed to expire effective November 15, 2009.
(b) BASF may manufacture REGENT 4SC with the label bearing both corn in-furrow and potato until March 31, 2010, and after which time it will be labeled for use on potatoes only in the U.S. marketplace (except NY where it never had a potato use).
(c) BASF may sell REGENT 4SC for corn in-furrow use through May 15, 2011. Distributors and retailers can sell, and growers can use, REGENT 4SC for corn in-furrow applications until stocks are depleted.

(d) Additionally, the EPA changed registrations on REGENT TS and REGENT 500TS for corn seed treatment, to grant unconditional registration for treatment of seeds for export only. No sales of fipronil treated seeds will be allowed within the U.S. without an EPA-approved product stewardship plan. BASF will work with seed partners to develop a stewardship plan that will be deemed mutually acceptable by both BASF and the EPA to allow fipronil-based solutions for the future protection of premium seeds in the U.S.”