Do you work in or around produce food safety?
We have a new project that wants to know what produce safety concerns keep you up at night!
In this anonymous online survey you will be asked to rank your top five produce safety risk management areas that need improvement. The information collected will be used to guide Extension work nationally and the development of resources to help manage risks and comply with regulations. This survey should take about ten minutes to complete.
Anyone involved in the produce industry who is at least 18 years of age may take this survey. Please click on the link below to enter the survey.
We would like more information about produce food safety concerns from our region, so please share your input and share the link with others as you see fit!
If you have any questions or comments, contact Jennifer Jones at or 302 632-8695.
We thank you for your participation.
Dr. Gordon Johnson
Vegetable Specialist
Dr. Kali Kniel
Professor, Animal & Food Sciences
Jennifer Jones
Produce Safety Program Assistant
Vegetable & Fruit Program