Insecticide Update on Chlorantraniliprole

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

FMC is in the process of reformulating chlorantraniliprole (Coragen, Prevathon) into a product called Vantacor. Vantacor contains 5 lb a.i. per gallon, which is three times more concentrated than Coragen and 11 times more concentrated than Prevathon. As such, its use rate is much, much lower. The label will contain both field crops and vegetable crops, including sweet corn and potato that were not on the Prevathon label, and they are making 1-quart bottles available in our region that can treat between 13 and 45 acres, depending on rates. FMC is currently working with state departments of agriculture for state approvals. As of right now, it has been approved in Virginia, but not in Delaware or Maryland yet.