Culture and Resilience of Farmers in Your Community — What Health and Other Professionals Need to Know to Support the Farming Population

Maria Pippidis, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Sciences;

Did you ever feel like non-farming audiences don’t understand you or the life of a farmer or farm family? Did you ever wish that the world would better understand the ups, downs and extraordinary amount of resilience it takes to be a farmer? If so, please share this upcoming professional opportunity with service providers (health care workers, insurance agents, tax preparers etc.) in your community.

University of Delaware and University of Maryland Cooperative Extension will be offering a 3-part series entitled Culture and Resilience of Farms in Your Community – What Health Care and other Professionals Need to Know on October 12, 19 and 26 from noon – 1:30pm.

This 3-Part series was developed as a result of the fall 2018 Linking Farm Vitality and Health Community Forum that identified that many professionals are unfamiliar with the unique nature of farms, farm families and their employees. This series is designed to help participants develop knowledge and skills that will help them apply what they’ve learned about farming on Delmarva to build their resources, improve outreach and develop networks to better serve the farming population.

The cost for the series is $15 and Certificates of Completion will be provided to those completing the program surveys. Social Work CEU’s will be offered for Maryland participants.

Register online at:

Over the series there will be 4 expert presenters including Alexander E. Chan, PH.D., LMFT University of Maryland Extension Specialist –Mental and Behavioral Health; Bonnie Braun, PH.D., University of Maryland Extension, School of Public Health – Professor Emerita; Maria Pippidis, MS., AFC, FFC, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, Extension Educator; and Laurie Wolinski, MS., University of Delaware Cooperative Extension & Dir. Northeast Extension Risk Management Education Center

Our goal is to help improve the connections between support services and the farming populations and to assist in improving the culture of health for our rural communities and those living within them. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Laurie Wolinski or Maria Pippidis from the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.