We’ve Got Your Back – A New Resource for Farm Audiences

Maria Pippidis, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Sciences; pippidis@udel.edu

The new Got Your Back website has been developed as a tool by the Delaware Farm Stress Task Force. We know Delaware is a small state that is big in agriculture. And we know our farmers give so much of themselves to keep the industry strong. We also know so many factors in farming are out of a farmer’s control, and that can be stressful. Wondering if the weather will cooperate, long hours working alone – it can all affect the well-being of the farm and farm family. We want you to know, you’re not alone. We want you to know, there is help available. We want you to know, we’ve got your back.

The Delaware Farm Stress Task Force is made up of representatives from a variety of organizations who have worked together to gather research based information that can help you on a variety of topics. Resources are provided for topics like: Getting Help, Family Finances, Farm Finances, Health, Legal, Covid19, and information about how you can learn more, get trained and get involved. Go to the website to learn more. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Laurie Wolinski or Maria Pippidis from the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.