Friends of Agriculture Breakfast Series

Modern Maturity Center
1121 Forrest Avenue, Dover, DE

Friday, September 18, 2009     7:15 a.m.
Agriculture: Delaware and Beyond – Considering the Complex Issues Facing our Industry
Dr. Bill McGowan
Agriculture is one of Delaware’s leading economic engines and touches every Delawarean and beyond. As we begin our 2009-2010 Ag Breakfast series, it’s appropriate that we take time to consider the complex issues facing our industry. Using a discussion format and audience response system, we will identify and discuss several of those issues.

Registration for each breakfast is $20.

Additional upcoming dates for the 2009–2010 Friends of Agriculture Breakfast Series
Speakers to be Announced
October 16, 2009
November 20, 2009
January — Ag Week
March 19, 2010 

To register, please contact Alice Moore at (302) 831-2504 or Additional information at: