Paraquat Training is Required for Use

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;

Kerry Richards, Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator;

The EPA is requiring all applicators and those who handle paraquat to have additional training before purchase and use. This training is in addition to the restricted use pesticide license needed for use of paraquat. In addition to being a certified applicator, anyone who mixes/loads or performs applications must complete additional registrant based training which includes the requirement of passing an assessment at the end of the training.

This is a requirement for all paraquat formulations. It is designed to alert users of the toxicity associated with paraquat poisoning.

More information can be found at the EPA website:

Online training is available at Campus Extension and can be found at

Face-to-Face paraquat training is also being offered. Kerry Richards, University of Delaware Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator will deliver newly released paraquat training that meets the requirement as part of the Delaware Farm Bureau Farm Safety Meeting March 18, 2020. An evening session is being planned for March 17 in Sussex County, tentatively scheduled at the Carvel Center.

For additional details about the in-person training please contact Kerry at