Emmalea Ernest, Associate Scientist – Vegetable Crops and Co-Ag Program Leader; emmalea@udel.edu
As a county Ag Agent Phillip Sylvester has been a valued Extension adviser to farmers in Kent County since 2011. In addition to being a trusted and accessible consultant to many growers, Phillip has conducted and collaborated on numerous on-farm research projects and made that new knowledge available to growers. He has also been a key organizer of Delaware Ag Week and the Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School. We in Extension will miss working with Phillip as a college and wish him well in his new work as an independent crop consultant.
University of Delaware Cooperative Extension has begun the process of filling this important position and we expect to have the job opening posted by the end of February. In the interim, Kent County growers should call the Kent County Extension Office (302-730-4000) for assistance.