Soil Health Workshop

Thursday February 28, 2019     5:00-8:00 p.m.
New Castle Conservation District Office
2430 Old County Rd Newark, DE 19702


Registration, Welcome & Introductions
Jason Challandes, SARE Educator, Delaware State University

Soil Health Principles
Jayme Arthurs, Resource Conservationist, NRCS

6:05–6:20         Break

Slug Management
Bill Cissel, University of Delaware

The Intersection of Weed Management and Cover Crops
Mark VanGessel, Ph.D., University of Delaware

8:00     Discussion

Light dinner included

CEU’s are pending for this free workshop. Contact Jason Challandes for more information or to register at or (302) 388-2241.

Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture, 4-H and Home Economics, Delaware State University, University of Delaware and United States Department of Agriculture cooperating, Dr. Dyremple B. Marsh, Dean and Administrator. It is the policy of Delaware Cooperative Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age, or national origin.