California and Iowa Agriculture by Ed Kee

I found Ed Kee’s second lecture to be very informative. I had no idea the magnitude of exports that Iowa and California produce annually. I thought this lecture provided a great overview of each state’s individual Ag industry and helped put into perspective the local industry here in Delaware. It reminded me how interconnected we are in the world, not just across the country. Something surprising I learned was how the tragic event of 9/11 influenced corn production for ethanol. I was just a toddler then, and seeing how quickly the agriculture industry responded to a sudden problem is very interesting. Also, I found it interesting to learn about Stine seeds and the work with soybeans. Soy is one of the main sources of protein that I consume as a vegetarian, so knowing more about the history of the seeds was something I enjoyed. I think the biggest takeaway message from both of Ed Kee’s lectures is just how important the Ag sector is to our country, and the world. It’s somehow connected to everything.

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