Dorothy Sharkey
Dorothy Sharkey has been a big part of the UDWC's fundraisers for the Returning Woman's Scholarship Fund since at least 2001! One favorite event was "A Country Evening in Fair Hill" held at the Tea Barn at Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area on April 26, 2003. Dorothy had the great idea of mixing Square Dancing, Supper and a Silent Auction of really amazing paintings. Despite not having running water on the main floor we had a great time! Dorothy was and is a force on 6 or more recent fund raisers for the scholarship fund.
Recently Dorothy and her perky dog, Bryson, have become regular volunteers for the PAWS Reading Program. Dorothy takes Bryson to several elementary schools where beginning readers and students with academic needs read to him. Bryson then rewards them with kisses. Previously they visited people who live in nursing homes.
Dorothy is a new board member of the Newark Library. She and Bryson also volunteered at the Kirkwood and Newark Libraries. She and a small group of friends create displays in the glass cases in the Newark Library.
She and her husband, Stuart, are wonderful hosts and welcome many new and old friends into their charming home. One example of her caring is she and Stuart opened their home to a young mother (a UDWC member) and newborn baby for a few weeks while the husband/father was getting settled in Australia. She goes out of her way to make people comfortable.