Ulrike Diedenhofen
Ulrike has shown unfailing hospitality and concern to welcome international students, faculty and families at UD and make them feel at home in Newark. She is a woman of many talents who came to the USA from Germany on a Fulbright scholarship, earning a PhD in Botany, and then an MBA for a second career. Over the 27 years that she and her husband, Professor Richard Zipser, have lived in Newark, she has generously used her organizing skills in to promote theater, music, science and literary events via receptions and gatherings at UD. Within the UD Women’s Club, she has been vital to the success of many of our fundraisers that provide scholarships for returning women students at the University.
Ulrike has made welcoming newcomers to the community a priority. She served in the International Hospitality and the Newcomers groups within the UD Women’s Club, working with Chinese, Korean and German exchange students so that they could learn American customs and practices. She helped them with basic information about transportation, renting apartments, finding medical services, and other necessary advice that eased their move to Newark. In her personal outreach to new international students and faculty at the University of Delaware, she has been chauffeur, advocate, and confidante for many.
Ulrike has been an ‘ambassador’ for the community on many fronts, from working with high school age German exchange students to helping raise funds for the Newark Senior Center. She enjoys meeting and talking with the older generation as well as the younger. She stays informed of local events and places of interest that she can share with visitors, and her mother who visits frequently from Germany.
For all these reasons, and more, we thank Ulrike Diedenhofen for her good services and her generous spirit.
Congratulations Ulrike!