Judy Taggart
Judy has a long and distinguished history of working with non-profits and volunteering to help others in the community. She is truly an inspiration to those around her!
Starting in the 1960s, Judy was a reading teacher in the 3rd and 4th grade at a rural elementary school, and became principal of the school for a time. Then, in the 1970s, she worked in the UD Adult & Community Education Program. She also spent countless hours working on desegregation committees during that time. From the late 1970s to the 1980s, Judy worked with the Girl Scouts in Maryland. She started at the “bottom” working directly with volunteers in Cecil County, and was promoted several times until becoming assistant director of the Girl Scouts Council. In the early 1990s, Judy was CEO of the Arundel YMCA, and then became the first full-time director of the Delaware Ronald McDonald House. She then returned to work with the Girl Scouts, and spent the next decade as Director of the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council until retiring in 2008.
Now that she’s retired, Judy is no less active in working to help others! She is currently President of the Friends of the Newark Free Library, and recently served as President of the New Castle County League of Women Voters. She’s also on the Delaware State Commission for Women and the AARP of Delaware Executive Council. Judy is also a weekly reading volunteer at Maclary Elementary School in the Reading ASSIST Program. Friends say that Judy is “a fantastic leader” who has encouraged people in her community for decades, and is “always appreciative of what they do.” Judy’s husband Bob also says that “She is an excellent and perceptive organizer and leader, and she works well with all kinds of people – even husbands!”
Judy is truly an asset to our community, and the UDWC is proud to present her with this honor. As part of the award, Judy received a gift of $150 to be donated to a charity of her choice. She has announced that she would like to donate it to the UDWC Scholarship Fund which helps women pursue higher education. We are grateful for Judy and her unwavering support of those around her!