Spring 2024 Voices of UD

What is the Voices of UD project?

Since 2017, the University of Delaware campus has empowered students and community members to share their personal stories through the Voices project launched by the Center for Political Communication. Participants have previously shared their thoughts on gun violence, our divided nation, and the destructive nature of hate speech. Each year, we offer a general theme to promote civic engagement. Through nonpartisan, interdisciplinary outreach and education, the CPC equips students and the community with the political, social, and communication literacy needed to engage in civil discourse.

For Voices of UD 2024, we are providing you the opportunity to share how “My Future, My Voice” can change the trajectory.

The 2023 Harvard Youth Poll finds nearly half of young Americans feel anxious and are motivated to take action for change – to craft a better future. Safety, financial security, political divides, and mental health dominate the concerns of young Americans. Do you agree? We invite you to consider your future and share your voice.

  • How do you see your future?
  • If you could write your future, what would it look like?
  • What can or should you do to take action for change?

The future is unwritten; how will you shape it into what you want it to be? ​ The deadline to participate is March 22, 2024.

For inspiration listen to some past essays on the CPC’s Voices of UD playlist​ or by reviewing:

For more information, please go to https://www.cpc.udel.edu/engage/voices-of-ud.
