STEM Education 4+1 Informational Session

Dr. Mark Akubo who is an Assistant Professor in the department of Physics and Astronomy as well as Director of the Secondary Science Education program in the College of Arts and Sciences  would like to introduce the STEM Education 4+1 (BS/MS) secondary science teacher program to you. This is a program designed for science majors who may want to earn a science teaching certification and master’s degree (with just one more year in college). This is a great opportunity that also offers them a chance to be paid a minimum of $20,000 – $25,000 (with prospect of increment) during their residency year while studying in the program if you commit to being hired for three years in the State of Delaware’s school districts for three years upon completion.

This will be a zoom meeting on Friday 10/27 at 2:00 PM.

Here is the zoom link:
