University of Delaware Alternative Break (UDaB)

The University of Delaware Alternative Break (UDaB) organization immerses student-led teams in direct service and experiential learning with community organizations to increase knowledge of social justice issues and encourage life-long active citizenship. UDaB is looking for students to go on week long service programs over the course of spring break (Saturday, March 26th – Saturday, April 2nd)! Each program has a focus area that ranges from the environment to houselessness to neurodiversity and much more and involves significant education of such focus area(s) before, during, and after the alternative break.

UDAB has four programs in progress for this spring break, which include:

  • Appreciating Appalachian Culture & Addressing Rural Poverty in Jonesville VA
  • Deconstructing Systems: Housing Insecurity in Sussex County in Sussex County DE
  • Growing Community: Local, Sustainable, and Equitable Food Systems in Philadelphia PA
  • Reframing the Narrative: Autism Awareness and Neurodiversity in Moncure NC.

UDaB also gives out Partial scholarships that are made available based on financial aid.

Here is the website for more information about UDAB:

Here is the link to the UDAB Application to share with your organization:

The deadline for UDAB applications is Friday, Feb 18th @11:59 PM, so we would love if you could promote this within that time frame.

If you have any questions regarding programs, applications, etc, please email:!


Christy is a graduate of the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware with a master's in Public Administration. She is the chief operating officer of a local non-profit, 3B Brae’s Brown Bags and a Communications Specialist for the University of Delaware. Her research interests include issues of social justice, such as nutritional insecurity, community re-entry, and domestic violence. She also volunteers with her local school district and has a deep passion for education policy, as she believes many social injustices stem from inequitable opportunities in education.