If I Knew Then What I Know Now

As a new feature in the Talk of Townsend blog, throughout the semester we will provide words of wisdom to freshmen and underclassmen. Please check back for advice on midterms, finals, getting involved, and more!

“When I was a freshman I was really intimidated to try new things because I didn’t like being out of my comfort zone. I went to activities night my freshman year and saw all the cool things like ballroom dancing and outing club. As I walked by booth after booth I was too scared to sign up for anything because they weren’t things I was used to being a part of. After a boring first semester I realized that being at college is all about being out of your comfort zone. It’s a time in your life to try out new things and see what you like and what you don’t like. I wish that when I was a freshman I had known to not be afraid and just jump right in to new experiences.”

-Caitlin Merrill

First Day of Classes: “Some professors will go over the syllabus the entire first week of class, others will go straight into lecture without turning back. Regardless of what kind of professor you have it is best to always have your notebooks (and your clickers) on you. You never know what the professors might have planned for you.”

Words of Wisdom for Freshmen: “Although it is stressful being without your friends or family, freshman year is the perfect time to reach out of your comfort zone and meet new people. No matter where you are or what you are doing, always be open to meeting new acquaintances, especially meeting people outside of your dorm. Clubs are also a great way to make new friends, if they are in the same club as you that means they have a similar interest. A perfect opportunity to start a conversation.”

-Nina Pusateri


Christy is a graduate of the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware with a master's in Public Administration. She is the chief operating officer of a local non-profit, 3B Brae’s Brown Bags and a Communications Specialist for the University of Delaware. Her research interests include issues of social justice, such as nutritional insecurity, community re-entry, and domestic violence. She also volunteers with her local school district and has a deep passion for education policy, as she believes many social injustices stem from inequitable opportunities in education.

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