Facebook & Your Privacy

You’ve probably already heard it on the news, but Facebook is in hot water concerning their privacy policy. Back in 2014, Facebook discovered the “data mining through a personality quiz” app called “thisisyourdigitallife.” As a result,...

This prize seems phishy.

Do you know Gillian and Adrian Bayford? You should since they offered you 1.5 million dollars. It seems too good to be true, right? Here is the email message: Click smaller image for a larger version. Unlike scams that rely on phishing sites, this one links to a...

Another day, another Facebook phishing scam

This phish landed in some UD inboxes this afternoon. Click the image below to see a full-sized copy. Pretty standard stuff. It’s been sent to “richard” by “yorklandsearch.ca”–doesn’t sound like facebook! The active link in the...

Facebook phish not seen at UD. . . yet

Sophos.com reports that there’s a new facebook phishing scam in the wild. We’ve not seen it here at UD–yet. See Graham Cluley’s article, Beware Facebook lottery email scam, published yesterday. Bottom line, if you get email from...