More phishing email using PDF attachments seen in UD inboxes

More phishing scams using PDF attachments have been appearing in UD inboxes this morning. Today’s phish appear as email with one of these subject lines: Payslip Notification Invoice Payment. Both appear to come from a UD person’s email account; one uses...

Two new phishing scams seen at UD

Today we’ve had reports of two phishing scams similar to many we’ve seen before, but with some different wording and bad links. The first one is a short phish that hopes the subject “UD Alert system” will shock you so much that you won’t...

“Unusual traffic” phishing scam seen at UD

One of our sharp-eyed colleagues spotted this phish in her inbox: Subject: Unusual Traffic Noticed From: University of Delaware <> Date: 2/29/2016 5:48 PM To: Your email is sending an unauthorized traffic as against the normal...