A quick scan through this blog can tell you that phish are a very common cyberthreat, and the effects can be disastrous for victims who are tricked into giving away personal information.
This month, the University is launching the Secure UD “Take a BITE out of phish!” campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness about phishing attacks and their consequences. A more educated community is a more secure community, and you can play your part by learning how to combat phishing.
An easy way to avoid becoming a victim of phishing is to remember BITE:
- Be aware of the threat
- Identify the warning signs
- Tell us about suspicious messages
- Erase phish from your inbox
How it works
Every month, a different sample of employees will receive a harmless test phishing email that mimics the real threats that hit the University community. If you think you have received such an email (or if you suspect the email may be a genuine phish), forward it to reportaphish@udel.edu.
Individuals who fall for the test phish will see a message about the “Take a BITE out of phish!” campaign as well as clues to help them identify phish in the future. Employees will not be punished for falling for the test phish, but everyone is encouraged to remain wary of suspicious emails. Avoiding phish protects you and your information as well as the rest of the University community.
Each month’s test emails will be annotated and posted to Secure UD Threat Alerts with the tag “BITE.”
More information is available in the UDaily article published earlier today about the campaign.
Play your part
You can help yourself and the University community by forwarding any suspicious emails to reportaphish@udel.edu. By reporting phish, you help IT investigate potential attacks and protect the rest of the community.
If you are a UD employee signed up for 2017 Secure UD Training, you can improve your phish-fighting skills by completing the “Social Engineering” and “Email, Phishing, and Messaging” modules of your training.
Help Secure UD: take a BITE out of phish!