Just a heads up about a recent phishing scam that is, unfortunately, having some success with USAA members across the United States. Share with your colleagues as appropriate.

A lot of military families and families of retired military personnel use USAA for insurance, banking, or investing. A new phishing attack has been spotted that leads USAA members to fake USAA sites where a victim is prompted for his or her personal information, according to Jesper Jurcenoks, VP for Research at Critical Watch (http://www.criticalwatch.com).

The phish lead people to very convincing but fraudulent sites–set up by scraping images used at the legitimate USAA site in June and early July.

More information: https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140728172612-1126468-breaking-military-watering-hole-usaa-com-target-of-large-phishing-campaign