Have you been using your email a lot recently? Should you re-validate it so you can keep receiving email messages? The answer should be NO!

This message has been be seen in several Google Apps @UDel.edu mailboxes:

Click smaller image for a larger version.

It is clearly a phishing scam for several reasons:

  • The subject is ambiguous.
  • The message does not refer to you by name.
  • The sender is not using a Google Apps @UDel.edu email address.
  • There are several grammar errors such as incorrect capitalization and missing periods.
  • The message is signed by “ITS help desk” instead of “IT Support Center”.
  • The “ADMIN TEAM” link is very suspicious.

It is easy to check how full your Google Apps @UDel.edu inbox is, and it doesn’t require you to click on suspicious links. If you scroll to the bottom of your inbox, you will see something similar to this:

Click smaller image for a larger version.

As you can see, you have 15GBs of space instead of the 500MBs that the phishing scam suggests. You are also probably not even close to having a full inbox. Never believe email messages that suggest your inbox is almost full.