There are variations on this scam that we can expect to see more and more as holiday package season arrives. In this version, that landed in UD email on 10/17/11, there were no links to click on to harvest information, instead, an attached “postal label” carried malware that could infect the recipient’s computer.

From: USPS Service [] 
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 10:57 AM
To: [ address redacted]
Subject: Track your parcel ID958
Good afternoon. 

Your parcel has arrived at the post office on October 6. 
Our Driver was unable to deliver the parcel to your address.
To receive a parcel you must go to the nearest USPS office and show your postal label.
Label is attached to this letter.

Thank you for your attention.
USPS Customer Services.

Different versions of this scam will arrive on campus all during the holiday season, some allegedly from USPS, some allegedly from DHL, some allegedly from FedEx, and so on.

Our advice
: If you receive a notice that appears to be from a package service, open a browser and go to that package service’s Web site manually to search for information about a package.