Could Any of this Be True?!

Starting to research this topic made me feel very uneasy. Growing up watching the Disney films, you believe in all of the magic and a good Disney movie can cure any problem. Once I found critics that bashed Disney for being inappropriate for children and didn’t teach any positive lessons, I couldn’t and wouldn’t believe it.

I was always under the assumption that Disney could do no wrong and they were the creators of everything magical. There were so many sources that bashed Disney films where it was hard at times to continue reading. No one wants to believe that something that seemed so harmless can have such a negative impact on people.

Once I started reading more sources that talked negatively about the films, I started to see where these critics were coming from. I was still on the fence with most of the ideas being presented, but I now had insight of a perspective I didn’t even know existed. What really helped me come to this realization was the sources that were from personal statement, not just scientific facts. Putting myself in these people’s shoes made me realize that Disney at some points throughout their movies portrayed women as being weak and not as important and successful as men.

From this I have learned that there are other points of view on situations besides my own. Even though I may believe that what I think is right, there may be other ways that are just as right or wrong as mine. It is very helpful to have multiple opinions on situations to make research easier. For now I’ll just keep swimming in my sources of Disney criticisms.

One thought on “Could Any of this Be True?!

  1. Hi Taylor,

    I’m sorry to hear about how disappointed you were when you found out about people’s views regarding Disney princesses. I was surprised when I heard about this as well. How can the movies we grew up with have underlying cynical and disturbed meanings??

    I had similar problems when I started researching. I had the opinion that social media was beneficial for children but once I started my research I realized that many people took the opposite stance. This worried me at first, but then I realized that I could use these counterarguments to build my argument and make my Research Paper stronger.

    Great blog post! 🙂


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