Blue Hen Success Grant

The Blue Hen Success Grant program is a formal program, also referred to as “retention grants” or “completion grants”, with dedicated resources and increased transparency to ensure that a small financial situation does not prevent a student from completing their degree.
Steps to Apply:

  1. To apply for the grant, please provide us with your information and general summary of your situation.
  2. The Coordinator of Blue Hen Success Grant will contact you to understand the financial circumstance that has occurred. At times, there could be Federal Grant options available, so a conversation allows us to determine the best path for appeal. We will work with you to ensure you have exhausted all eligible aid and will be informed of all options available to you based on your financial situation.
  3. Once we have determined the appropriate appeal, you will be asked to provide additional documentation in support of your appeal to determine grant eligibility and/or other additional aid that may be offered.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the typical amount awarded?
Amounts awarded will be specific to each individual situation. In general, the awards will be no more than $3,000.

What are the general requirements in order to receive the grant?
Students must be an undergraduate degree-seeking junior or senior based on credit hours, have maintained a full-time status and reflect a 2.0 grade-point average. As part of accepting the grant, students will be required to complete a simple financial literacy course to provide valuable information to further assist in managing their educational finances.

Is the grant renewable?
The Blue Hen Success Grants will typically be awarded only one time. However, a student may appeal again and exceptions could be made in extenuating circumstances.

Why are only juniors and seniors eligible for the grant?
At this time the grant is to support those students who are nearing graduation. However, we encourage any student who may have a financial circumstance to contact us so we can explore other funding options.