2. Using Sleep Health to Optimize Smoking Cessation Treatment Response in HIV-Positive Adults (5R01DA051321): This study is testing the efficacy of our 15-week sleep training intervention on sleep health and smoking cessation rates in 200 adults living with HIV who are seeking treatment for nicotine dependence. This study is currently being conducted in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona.

3. Predicting Sleep, Smoking and Lung Health Disparities in at-risk Black African American adults (5R01MD012734): In collaboration with the Temple Lung Center at Temple University, this 5-year prospective cohort study seeks to identify the ecological predictors of sleep health, and the relationship between sleep health with cardiopulmonary outcomes in a sample of 400 Black/African American smokers.

4. Using EMA and actigraphy to assess the temporal relationships between stress and sleep in ecologically valid family contexts over 14-days (Rockefeller University Heilbrunn Family Center for Research Nursing Award [NIH UL1 TR001866] and DE CTR ACCEL Project Award [NIH U54 GM104941]): This project aims to uncover reciprocal associations between caregiver and toddler sleep and caregiver’s coping and emotional response to experienced daily stressors within low SES families. This pilot data will support the development of a family-based sleep intervention centered around helping caregivers in low SES contexts cope more effectively with contextually induced stress, which in turn, may promote better caregiver and toddler sleep.

5. Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease in Early Mid-Life: Determining a role of chrono-behaviors (UD Institutional Funds): We are using a micro-longitudinal design to objectively examine behavioral patterns and their association with biomarkers of subclinical cardiovascular disease in early middle-aged adults (30-45 years). This study is currently being conducted in collaboration with UD’s Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology and Cardiovascular Core.

10. Sleep health in children and adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease: In a sample of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, we are using a prospective, observational methodology to (1) characterize sleep health; and (2) test the association between key sleep health metrics with sickle cell disease symptomology and exacerbations.

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