Rishabh passed his PhD Qualifying exam. Congrats Rishabh!
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The Lab Gets Together!
Everyone enjoyed getting some drinks and food at John’s house! Ryan is one hell of a chess player though. Thanks for having us over John!
Biswarup joins the lab!
We are glad to have Biswarup onboard with us!
Rishabh joins the lab!
We are glad to have Rishabh onboard with us!
Adity joins the lab
We are glad to have Adity onboard with us!
Lab News Archive
06/2021: John Sperduto and Kyle Shuler (Matthew Hudson lab) were selected as the winners of Cytiva’s inaugural Exosome Challenge! Congrats all!!
05/2021: Liza was selected as a UD Summer Scholar! Congrats Liza!!
05/2021: Cindy’s latest paper received the UD Best Paper Award! Congrats Cindy!!
05/2021: Cindy’s latest paper was published in Advanced Healthcare Materials! Congrats Cindy!! See the paper here.
05/2021: Cindy was selected as an SB3C Diversity Participation Awardee! Congrats Cindy!!
02/2021: Cindy won the University Doctoral Fellowship! Congrats Cindy!!
02/2021: Sam won the University Graduate Doctoral Award! Congrats Sam!!
02/2021: Cindy was highlighted in the Graduate Student Spotlight! Congrats Cindy!! See the article here.
12/2020: Cindy was selected for a Koerner Family Foundation Supplemental Stipend! Congrats Cindy!!
08/2020: Cindy’s first first-author paper investigating chemoresitance in hydrogel-induced dormancy is out now! Congrats Cindy!! See the article here.
04/2020: Cindy successfully defended her dissertation proposal! Congrats Cindy!!
12/2018: In collaboration with the Mayerich Lab at the University of Houston, Keely and Professor Slater’s paper titled “Accurate Flow in Augmented Networks (AFAN): An Approach to Generating Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks with Controlled Flow” was published in Analytical Methods under the Themed Collection: Microfluidic Systems with Societal Impact (Link to article: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/ay/c8ay01798k#!divAbstract)
10/2018: Keely won a BMES Career Development Award to present her research titled “Scale-Encompassing Vascular Models via Laser-Induced Hydrogel Degradation” at the BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
09/2018: Keely successfully defended her doctoral proposal, titled “The Influence of Microvascular Organ-Specificity on Endothelial Barrier Function and Entrapped Circulating Tumor Cell Behavior in a Vessel-on-a-Chip Model”. Congrats Keely!!!
07/2018: Keely was granted a Women in Engineering Travel Award to present her research titled ” Laser-Induced Hydrogel Degradation for Vessel-on-a-Chip Applications” at the Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices (STEEM) Gordon Research Conference in Andover, New Hampshire.
03/2018: Cindy received the 2018-2019 UD Graduate Scholar Award. Congrats Cindy!!
12/2017: Keely presented her research titled “Laser-Based Degradation for Engineered Vascularized Hydrogels within Microfluidic Housing” at the American Society for Cell Biology annual meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
11/2017: Professor Slater received the 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering Rising Star Junior Faculty Award! 11/2017: Shantanu received the 2017 Research Travel Grant from the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. to present his work at the American Society for Cell Biology in December 2017 and the Society for Biomaterials in April 2018. Congrats Shantanu!!!
11/2017: As the 2015 Laird Fellow, Keely joined previous recipients from the past 40 years for a celebration dinner. Congrats Keely!! UDaily Article
11/2017: Elspeth received a UD Undergraduate Research Supply and Expense Grant. Congrats El!!!
10/2017: Professor Slater presented a seminar titled “Image-Guided, Laser-Based Fabrication of Hydrogel-Embedded Microfluidic Networks” at the SELECTBIO Bioprinting and 3D Printing in the Life Sciences Conference at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
10/2017: Shantanu’s, Keely’s, and John’s paper titled “Fundamentals of Laser-Based Hydrogel Degradation and Applications in Cell and Tissue Engineering” was published in Advanced Healthcare Materials. Congrats to all!!!
10/2017: Keely won a BMES Travel Award to present her research titled “Laser-Based Degradation for Engineered Vasculature in Synthetic and Natural Hydrogels” at the BMES Annual Meeting. Congrats on the award Keely!!! UDaily Article
07/2017: Shantanu received an Honorable Mention for the Poster Competition at the Gordon Research Conference on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. Congrats Shantanu!!! 06/2017: The Slater Lab receives funding through the NIH NCI IMAT program. UDaily Article 05/2017: John served as an Invited Panelist for the Seventh Annual Spring Mentoring Event for the School of Engineering at TCNJ. 04/2017: Laura Sturgill is a recipient of the 2017 UD Summer Research Fellowship. Congrats Laura!!!
02/2017: John and his teammates won the NSF SBE2 IGERT Industry Challenge and will receive an extra six months of funding. Congrats John!!! 02/2017: Professor Slater presented a seminar titled “Biomimetic Materials for Cell & Tissue Engineering” in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers University.
01/2017: Congrats to Keely for receiving a University Doctoral Fellowship.
01/2017: Congrats to John for receiving a NSF SBE2 IGERT Fellowship.
01/2017: Professor Slater received a University of Delaware Research Foundation Strategic Initiative Award.
01/2017: Omar and Professor Slater attend the BMES CMBE conference in Hawaii.
01/2017: Congrats to Keely and co-authors. Her Journal of Visualized of Visualized Experiments publication titled “Image-guided, Laser-based Fabrication of Vascular-Derived Microfluidic Networks” was published. JoVE Article
01/2017: The Slater Lab receives funding from the University of Delaware Research Foundation to develop an in vitro microstroke model. UDaily Article
11/2016: Professor Slater presented a seminar titled “Fabrication of Three-Dimensional, Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks in PEG Hydrogels Using Image-Guided, Laser-Induced Degradation” at the International Society for Biofabrication Conference in Winston-Salem NC.
10/2016: Check out our UDaily article on our latest publication. UDaily Article.
10/2016: Professor Slater presented a seminar titled “Biomimetic Materials for Cell and Tissue Engineering” in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Colorado Denver – Anschutz Medical Campus.
10/2016: Professor Slater presented a seminar titled “Biomimetic Materials for Cell and Tissue Engineering” in the School of Biomedical Engineering at Colorado State University.
09/2016: UD ranked No. 30 among nation’s public universities by US News!!! [UDaily Article]
09/2016: Congrats to Keely and co-authors. Her Advanced Healthcare Materials publication titled “Fabrication of 3D Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks in Hydrogels” was chosen as a frontispiece. [Frontispiece]
09/2016: Congrats to Shantanu!!! A review paper he wrote as a PhD student titled “Polymeric Biomaterials for In Vitro Cancer Tissue Engineering and Drug Testing Applications” was recently published in Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. Congrats to Shantanu and his PhD advisor Liz Lipke (Liz’s Website) at Auburn University!!! Link to the Paper
9/2016: John Sperduto joins the lab as a PhD Student. Welcome to the lab John!!!
09/2016: Ryan Tatiano joins the lab as a Postbaccalaureate Researcher. Welcome to the lab Ryan!!!
08/2016: Takunda is interviewed about his NSF Summer REU experience at UD. UDaily Article
08/2016: Professor Slater attended the EBICS Workshop on Engineering Living Systems in Chicago, IL.
08/2016: Takunda won the Research Ethics Essay Contest co-sponsored by the Center for Science, Ethics, and Public Policy and the DE-EPSCoR Program for his essay titled “Expanding the National Research Misconduct Policy”.
08/2016: Professor Slater is interviewed by NPR’s Morning Edition concerning the Delaware Bioscience Center for Advanced Technology Grant the lab received. NPR Story
08/2016: The lab receives funding from the Delaware Bioscience Center for Advanced Technology Program to develop microfluidic technologies to capture and measure biomolecules in solution that can be used to characterize and identify diseases. UDaily Article
08/2016: Keely’s JoVE paper titled “Image-Guided, Laser-Based Fabrication Of Vascular-Derived Microfluidic Networks” was accepted for publication. Congrats Keely and thanks to our collaborator David Mayerich for his contributions!!!
08/2016: Shantanu Pradhan joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Welcome to the lab Shantanu!!!
07/2016: The lab says goodby to Mike and Moni. Mike is leaving to pursue his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan and Moni is leaving to pursue her PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Cornell. We will miss you both and wish you the best of luck!!!
06/2016: Takunda Masike joins the lab as a NSF Summer REU Researcher. Welcome to the lab Takunda!!!
04/2016: Moni’s team, Rehab To Go, received an Innovation Award to further develop their device that provides live assessments of walking patterns of amputees. UDaily Article
04/2016: A short article describing our research funded by the American Cancer Society was published today. UDaily Article 04/2016: The Slater Lab is happy to welcome Shantanu Pradhan to the lab on August 1st as a Postdoctoral Researcher! He successfully defended his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Auburn University last month. Congrats on the defense Shantanu and we look forward to seeing you in August!
04/2016: Congrats to Keely and Mike!!! Their paper titled “Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks in Hydrogels” was accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials!!!
03/2016: Congrats to Laura Sturgill for winning a UD Summer Scholar award to perform research in the lab this summer!!!
02/2016: Submit your scientific images to the 1st Annual Art In Science Exhibit and Symposium. UDaily Article
02/2016: Jason Bamford is featured in UDaily and on UD’s Tumblr feed during Engineers Week for his 3D printed heart work. UDaily Article
2015: Professor Slater gave a seminar title “Manipulation of Cell Behavior via Regulation of Cellular Adhesive States Using Nano- and Micropatterned Substrates” at the University of Houston. Seminar Announcement
11/2015: The collaborative W.M. Keck Foundation grant is getting some press coverage. Delaware Online Philadelphia Inquirer
11/2015: The publication resulting from Professor Slater’s collaboration with Anita Shukla was accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and is titled “Biomimetic Surface Patterning Promotes Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation”. Congrats Anita, Jim, Mary, and Jennifer on the paper!!!
11/2015: Professor Slater gave an invited talk on the lab’s research at the IEEE-NANOMED Conference in Waikiki Beach, Hawaii.
11/2015: Professor Slater received an Exemplary Achievement in Community Service Award from the Discover Delaware: Roots, Rifts, Reconciliation Lecture Series.
11/2015: Our book chapter titled “Biomimetic Surfaces for Cell Engineering” was published online today in Carbon Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, Springer International Publishing.
11/2015: Professor Slater gave an invited talk titled “Toward Generating In Vitro Human Tissue Models for Drug Screening and Disease Modeling” at the Discover Delaware: Roots, Rifts, Recognition Lecture Series.
11/2015: The Slater lab received a $100,000 grant from the State of Delaware Federal Research and Development Grant Program to purchase a new microscope!!!
10/2015: Keely presented “Fabrication of 3D Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks” as an oral presentation at the 2015 BMES Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida. Congrats Keely on a great presentation!!!
10/2015: Professor Slater presented “Recapitulating the Cytoskeletal Architecture of Cells of Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterns” as an oral presentation at the 2015 BMES Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida.
09/2015: UD is ranked 29th among public universities and 75th among all national universities in U.S. News and World Report’s Best Colleges 2016 edition. UDaily Article
09/2015: UD Biomedical Engineering is now officially a department and ABET accredited!!! UDaily Article
09/2015: Professor Slater presented the research being performed in the lab at the EMBO Physics of Cells: From Molecules to Systems Conference in Germany.
08/2015: The Slater Lab receives a pilot project grant from the American Cancer Society!!!
08/2015: Kyra Isaacs, a member of the 2015 graduating class in Biomedical Engineering at UD, joins the lab as a Post Baccalaureate Researcher. Welcome to the lab Mike and congrats on receiving your B.S. in Biomedical Engineering!!!
08/2015: Markia was interviewed about her research at the Sixth annual Summer Scholars Symposium. UDaily Article
08/2015: An article discussing Professor Slater’s ACS Nano, cell-derived patterning paper came out today. UDaily Article
08/2015: The Slater Lab is part of a team of UD researchers awarded a one million dollar grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation. This grant will enable us to develop upconversion nanosparticles for applications in solar energy and phototherapy. UDaily Article
07/2015: The publication resulting from Professor Slater’s collaboration with Amina Qutub’s lab at Rice University was accepted in Scientific Reports and is titled “Progeny Clustering: a Method to Identify Biological Phenotypes”. Congrats Wendy, Steven, and Amina!!!
07/2015: Keely’s abstract titled “Fabrication of 3D Biomimetic Microfluidic Networks” was accepted for an oral presentation at the upcoming 2015 BMES Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida. Congrats Keely!!!
07/2015: Professor Slater’s abstract titled “Recapitulating the Cytoskeletal Architecture of Cells of Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterns” was accepted for an oral presentation at the upcoming 2015 BMES Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida.
06/2015: Omar’s NSF IGERT Fellowship was extended for an additional semester for winning the design contest. Congrats Omar!!!
06/2015: Michael Bregenzer, a member of the 2015 graduating class in Biomedical Engineering at UD, joins the lab as a Post Baccalaureate Researcher. Welcome to the lab Mike and congrats on receiving your B.S. in Biomedical Engineering!!!
06/2015: Serfine Okeyo, a student from Glasgow High School, joined the lab as a NIH STEP-UP Summer Scholar. Welcome to the lab Serfine and congrats on the scholarship!!!
06/2015: Markia Smith, a UD undergraduate in Biochemistry, joined the lab as a NIH INBRE Summer Scholar. Welcome to the lab Markia and congrats on the scholarship!!!
05/2015: Moni received a UDRF Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Award. Congrats Moni!!!
05/2015: Check out Keely’s interview “Unexplored Woods”. Read the Article
05/2015: Professor Slater’s paper titled “Recapitulation and Modulation of the Cellular Architecture of a User-Chosen Cell-of-Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterning” was accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Woo hoo!!! Link to Article
05/2015: Professor Slater will be giving an invited talk at the upcoming 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering taking place in Waikiki Beach, Hawaii, November 15-18 2015.
04/2015: Professor Slater rocked his presentation “Recapitulating the Architecture of Cells of Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterning” at the Society for Biomaterials Conference. Read the Abstract
04/2015: Keely’s Society for Biomaterials (SFB) abstract “Fabrication of Biomimetic µfluidic Networks Using Image-Guided Photocavitation-Mediated Hydrogel Degradation” was the highest ranked abstract in the “Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM)” track at SFB. Way to go Keely!!! Read the Abstract
04/2015: Keely nailed her presentation “Fabrication of Biomimetic µfluidic Networks Using Image-Guided Photocavitation-Mediated Hydrogel Degradation” at the Society for Biomaterials (SFB). Way to go Keely!!!
04/2015: Keely was selected as the recipient of the prestigious George W. Laird Merit Fellowship. Congrats Keely on winning such a prestigious award!!! The George W. Laird Merit Fellowship is given to honor the memory of George W. Laird. Determined that something positive should come from this seemingly senseless loss, his family and friends established a fund to support a major fellowship, based on merit, that will provide a source of strong motivation to students working toward graduate degrees in the College of Engineering. The generous support of more than 300 donors has made this award possible. One first year graduate student from the College of Engineering is selected each year; Keely is the 38th Laird Fellow.
04/2015: Professor Slater is profiled by the University of Texas Department of Biomedical Engineering. Read the article.
03/2015: UD’s College of Engineering makes the Top 100 in the world at # 72. Ranking.
01/2015: Professor Slater’s paper “Modulation of Endothelial Cell Migration via Manipulation of Adhesion Site Growth Using Nanopatterned Surfaces” was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!!!
01/2015: Marcus Love, an undergraduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Program, joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Marcus!!!
01/2015: Omar Banda received a NSF Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments (SBE2) IGERT Fellowship. Congrats Omar!!!
01/2015: Kyra Isaacs, an undergraduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Honors Program, joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Kyra!!!
12/2014: Keely’s abstract “Fabrication of Biomimetic µfluidic Networks Using Image-Guided Photocavitation-Mediated Hydrogel Degradation” was accepted as an oral presentation at the upcoming SFB 2015 conference in Charlotte in April. Congrats Keely on giving the first lab talk!!!
12/2014: Professor Slater’s abstract “Recapitulating the Architecture of Cells of Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterning” was accepted as an oral presentation at the upcoming SFB 2015 conference in Charlotte in April. 10/2014: The Slater Lab received a Pilot Project Award from the NIH supported Delaware INBRE!!!
09/2014: Omar Banda is now a PhD student. Congrats Omar!!!
07/2014: The new Chameleon S2 pulsed laser is up and running!!! 4 watts of fun, thanks Jeff and Mike!!!
05/2014: The Slater Lab received it’s first grant from the University of Delaware Research Foundation!!!
04/2014: We moved into our newly renovated lab space in the Delaware Technology Park!!!
02/2014: Keely Heintz joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Keely!!!
02/2014: Omar Banda joined the lab as a Research Technician. Welcome Omar!!!
01/2014: Professor Slater’s book chapter was selected for the cover of Micropatterning in Cell Biology Part A. Methods in Cell Biology.
01/2014: Hetty received a NSF Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments (SBE2) IGERT Fellowship. Congrats Hetty!!!
12/2013: Hetty Nie is the first PhD student to join the Slater Lab. Woo hoo!!!