Resources for Students with Disabilities in STEM Fields

Selected resources for students with disabilities pursuing higher education in science or engineering fields collected from former REU students, graduate students, faculty mentors, and educators are available on this page. These recommendations reflect the views of the site authors (Drs. Booksh and Rozovsky) only.

An Article in Science – Minority Voice

Disability Inclusion Science 2019

From College to Careers – Fostering Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in STEM

How to apply for a graduate program

Finding a Graduate Program – ASBMB (Enzymatic)

Planning for Graduate Work in Chemistry – ACS

The chemistry graduate school experience

REU programs

Looking for additional REU programs?

See the National Science Foundation website showing the available REUs in Chemistry

See the National Science Foundation Leadership group for Chemistry REU


Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities by Annemarie Ross (Author) and Todd Pagano (Author) – Open access book at

Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences by Mahadeo A. Sukhai (Author), Chelsea E. Mohler (Author)  (Amazon link)

ACS Book “Accessibility in the Laboratory” Editor(s): Ellen Sweet, Wendy Strobel Gower, Carl E. Heltzel

Antony and Shore “College for Students with Disabilities: We Do Belong” (Amazon link) and review by Tomorrow’s Professor Postings

Programs supporting college students with disabilities

Learning Ally announces College Success Program for blind or visually impaired college students

The NIH’s PREP program ( PREP is a post-bac program for students from under-represented minorities (including those with disabilities) to gain more research experience and work on professional development prior to applying for graduate school.

Fellowships specific to students with disabilities

ACS Chemists with Disabilities Travel Award offers travel support for a chemist with disabilities who will be presenting a talk or poster at the ACS meeting.
Info for this award can be found at:

Support network and related resources

Steps (Student Training and Education in Public Service) Resources and Support for College Students with Disabilities:

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.

Body? What Body? Considering Ability and Disability in STEM Disciplines

Selecting an undergraduate program 

A guide for selecting a college for students with learning disability

Diversity in STEM – personal stories

Wiersma Nature article Wiersma

Hoogstraten Science article (Depression) Fightingthroughthedarkness

New York Times opinion page about disability

Scientific American magazine’s blog Our Disabilities Have Made Us Better Scientists

AnnaMarie Ross discusses her passion for increasing diversity

Speech impediment and presentations – Finding my voice 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about accommodations or resources? The American Chemical Society Committee for Chemists with Disabilities can be reached for questions at their web page

Feel free to send us resources and material to upload via our RESOURCES form

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