WebVizOr: A Fault Detection Visualization Tool for Web Applications


Author : Hazelwood, Barbra; Esquivel, Holly; Sprenkle, Sara; Pollock, Lori
Booktitle : Midwestern Celebration of Women in Computing (MidWIC) 2006
Date : Sep 2006
Document Type : Presentation

Abstract :

Businesses, governments, and consumers increasingly rely on the stability, security, and usability of web applications. But the scale of such applications can make the verification process both time-consuming and laborious. To reduce the overhead of the testing process and to ensure proper application behavior, testers need automated, cost-effective test strategies to develop, execute, and analyze the success of test cases. We have designed an open-source tool, WebVizOr, which aids in the analysis of test case results. Our tool takes as input the test cases, which are a series of HTTP requests sent to a web application, and the HTML responses generated on executing those test cases. In its simplest usage, WebVizOr provides a means for organizing and viewing the responses. Beyond visualization, WebVizOr harnesses the power of various oracles to automatically analyze and filter the HTML responses to locate symptoms of possible faults. Our poster describes the functionality of our tool, as well as its potential uses in industry and academic research.

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