News and Updates

Message from Office of Student Conduct

Posted on September 20, 2019 at: 9:52 am



The Office of Student Conduct is about to kick off a three-part workshop open to University students, staff and faculty to receive training about Title IX, sexual misconduct, non-discrimination and related issues and then to become involved in the adjudication of these conduct cases at the University.


We are looking to grow our pool of trained volunteers and are seeking your help in sharing this opportunity with students, staff and faculty in your department.


Please click here to access a recent UDaily article about this upcoming training.


Feel free to share this message directly or refer people to me.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.






Holli Harvey


Office of Student Conduct

218 Hullihen Hall

University of Delaware

302-831-2117  |  302-831-8191 (fax)\

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