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CTAL – Assignments that click:..Digital multimedia assignments

Posted on September 20, 2019 at: 10:02 am

Dear colleagues,


Our students are constantly plugged in– daily news in video clips, riveting stories via podcasts, and cleverly designed pop-up ads on every virtual page. But while students engage with these digital formats, they are not experts in how the information within those formats is constructed or how it can influence them or others. Through the process of creating media, many students find a deeper understanding of course content and overall communication skills.


Join CTAL on Friday, October 4th from 3:30-5:00pm in 208 Gore Hall for our next roundtable: Assignments that click: Tapping into student creativity with digital multimedia assignments. We’ll host UD faculty and library staff who have found innovative ways to use multimedia assignments to support their course goals. We’ll discuss the promises, pitfalls, and best practices of multimedia creation within your courses and discover, together, the best ways to get started and make assignments that click.


More information and registration here:

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