Component |
Design Prompts
Checklist |
Examples |
1. Instructor information |
- How can students reach you on campus? How/when do you prefer to be reached?
- What do you want students to know about you? Your interest in the discipline? Your teaching philosophy?
- How can you convey my enthusiasm for teaching, for the course?
- Are there any other instructors in the course (e.g., graduate TAs, peer tutors, team teacher)?
- Will you provide a brief personal biography or personal statement?
- Will you include a Student Information Form to gather basic biographic information about your group?
Study abroad:
- How can students reach you prior to, and during your program? How/When do you prefer to be reached?
- What do you want students to know about your own international travel experience, your interest in the host country, or your views on Global Engagement?
Instructor information checklist |
BUAD 367: Australia
FREN 107: Martinique
2. Course description |
- What do students need and/or want to know about the course?
- What pre-requisites exist?
- What content will the course address? How does the course fit in with other courses in the discipline? Why is the course valuable to the students?
- How is the course structured? Large lecture with discussion sessions? Large lecture with laboratory and discussion sessions? Seminar?
- How are the major topics organized?
Study abroad:
- Why is this course offered abroad?
- What advantages does the study abroad setting offer to students enrolled in this course?
- How will the study abroad environment enhance mastery of the subject matter of this course?
Course description checklist |
ARTH 367: France
BUAD 367: Australia |
3. Learning outcomes |
- What will your students know and be able to do as a result of having taken this course?
- What levels of cognitive thinking do you want your students to engage in?
- What learning skills will your students develop in the course?
Study abroad:
- What aspects of Global Engagement will be addressed by this course: Cultural Engagement (or global-mindedness)? Tolerance of Ambiguity? Knowledge of the Host Site? Openness to Diversity?
Learning objectives checklist |
ANFS 419: New Zealand
BHAN 236: South Africa |
4. Learning resources |
- What kinds of materials will be used during the course (electronic databases, electronic course reserve, course webpage, software, simulations, laboratory equipment, etc.)?
- What kinds of instructional technologies will be used?
- Will you be using a learning management system (LMS) in this course? If so, which one (Canvas or Sakai)?
- What resources will have to be purchased by the learners? (Do you provide the corresponding ISBN number?)
- What other resources will be used in the course and how can students access those resources?
Study abroad:
- What resources must be obtained prior to departure?
- What resources can (or should) be obtained abroad?
Learning resources checklist |
ENGL 409: Australia
SPAN 306: Panama |
5. Course policies |
- What is expected of students with regard to attendance? Participation? Contribution to group work?
- How will you handle missed assignments? Late work? Extra-credit?
- What is your makeup policy?
- How will you handle laboratory or other safety matters?
- Is this course in alignment with University’s policies with regard to academic dishonesty?
- Is this course in alignment with University’s policies with regard to Title IX reporting requirements?
- What accommodations will you offer to students with disabilities?
- Do you have an inclusive, non-harassment statement?
Study abroad:
- What are your expectations with regard to student interaction with the local community?
- Will there be any specific rules that pertain exclusively to the study abroad setting?
Course policies checklist |
HLTH 411: Australia
BUAD 367: Australia |
6. Course assessment |
- What will students be expected to do in the course?
- What kinds of assignments, tests do most appropriately reflect the learning objectives for this course?
- Do assignments and tests elicit the kind of learning you want to foster in your course?
- Do you explain to students the purpose, procedures and parameters of all graded events in this course (assignments, tests, quizzes, exams, papers, special projects, laboratories, field trips, learning logs, journals, oral presentations, research reports, web publishing, etc.)?
- Do you explain how student work will be assessed (point values, proportion of graded event towards the final grade, rubrics, grading scale, etc.)?
- What other grading considerations should students keep in mind (will you drop lowest grade? Will you offer extra-credit opportunities? Do you accept/encourage project re-writes? etc.)
Study abroad:
- How will the different aspects of Global Engagement (Cultural Engagement; Tolerance of Ambiguity; Knowledge of the Host Site; Openness to Diversity) be evaluated in this course?
- What kinds of assessments are realistic given the compressed time frame of the program, and/or any site-specific constraints?
Course assessment checklist |
HLTH 411: Australia
KAAP 285: New Zealand |
7. Course calendar |
- In what sequence will the content be taught?
- When are major assignments due?
- Will there be any fieldtrips? Guest speakers? When?
Study abroad:
- What Global Engagement tasks will be implemented in this course? When will they take place?
- What “deliverables” (reports, blog entries, projects, etc.) are expected?
Course calendar checklist |
GEOG 235: Dominica
KAAP 285: New Zealand |