Instrumentation and facilities
NMR Instrumentation in the Polenova Group:
14.1 T (600 MHz) narrow bore (51 mm) Bruker AVIII/Varian InfinityPlus solid-state NMR spectrometer
The 51 mm 14.1 T Magnex magnet is interfaced with two consoles: a four-channel Bruker AVIII console and a Varian/Chemagnetics InfinityPlus console. The instrument is outfitted with eight probes: a triple resonance 1.3 mm Bruker FastMAS HCN probe, a triple resonance 1.9 mm Bruker FastMAS HCN probe, a triple resonance 3.2 mm Bruker EFree probe, a triple resonance 1.8 mm MAS probe built by the group of Prof. Ago Samoson, a triple resonance 1.6 mm T3 MAS probe, a triple resonance 3.2 mm T3 MAS probe, a double resonance 3.2 mm T3 MAS probe, and a single resonance 5 mm MAS Doty probe. The spectrometer is used for high-resolution protein MAS NMR spectroscopy as well as for not-so-high resolution spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar transition metal nuclei in proteins.
9.4 T (400 MHz) wide bore (89 mm) Tecmag Discovery/Bruker AMX solid-state NMR spectrometer
The 89 mm 9.7 T Magnex magnet is interfaced with two three-channel 400 MHz consoles- a Tecmag Discovery console and a Bruker AMX console. The instrument is currently outfitted with two triple-resonance probes from Doty and Varian and is used for high-resolution protein spectroscopy as well as for not-so-high resolution spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar transition metal nuclei.
NMR instrumentation at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
In addition to the solid-state NMR instrumentation housed in our research laboratory (see below), the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry maintains a number of solution and solid-state NMR spectrometers available for research, with the magnetic fields ranging from 19.9 to 9.4 T. For more information, visit the NMR facility website at
Shared instrumentation facilities at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
For an overview of core facilities in the Department, visit the following website: