Nogodinidae from Tiskita Jungle Lodge in Costa Rica (Biolleyana sp. poss. costalis); photo by Brian Cutting, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology)
The Nogodinidae are a poorly defined group. The phylogenetic analyses of Urban and Cryan (2007) indicates that Nogodinidae as currently defined are polyphyletic (as does Song and Liang 2013). In recent years, several planthopper taxa of uncertain affinities have been moved to Nogodinidae (viz. the Tonginae from the Acanaloniidae; Gnezdilov 2007, 2008, and Colpopterini Gnezdilov 2003 from the Issidae; Gnezdilov 2012). The type species of the type genus Nogodinia is Neotropical (a second species currently placed in Nogodina is from Taiwan), and so Nogodinidae in the strict sense would be Neotropical.
Fennah (1978) revised the higher classification of Nogodinidae, but defined the family differently than modern authorities. Later, Fennah (1984) removed a series of North American genera (Bladinini subtribe Gaetuliina) from Issidae to Nogodinidae. Gaetuliini (sensu Gnezdilov 2007) includes 10 genera and 62 species north of Mexico [2 Gaetuliini occur in Mexico but not the US], all of which are southwestern, with 8 genera and 55 species from California. Gnezdilov (2007) moved the Gaetuliini to the Tropiduchidae, leaving no taxa in this family north of Mexico, but he subsequently (2012) moved Colpopterini from Issidae [as Colpopterinae], which includes a single adventive species from Florida. The Gaetuliini was subsequently subsumed under Elicini Melichar, 1915 (Tropiduchidae) (Gnezdilov 2013).
Neotropical Nogodinidae can be best recognized using the key in Metcalf (1938). The common Neotropical genus Bladina was revised by Kramer (1976).
Type specimen of Nogodinia reticulata (Fabricius 1803) from the Fabricius collection. Photo courtesy Niels Kristensen, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen.
Synopsis of New World Nogodinidae (updated from O’Brien, unpublished)
Gastriniinae Fennah, 1987
Gastriniini Fennah, 1987
- Gastrinia Stål, 1859: 319 (type species Gastrinia vaginata Stål, 1859: 319) (3 species? Gastrinia lacerdae (Signoret, 1861) syn of Gastrinia vaginata (Stål, 1859) by Fennah (1987): 365) – Brazil
Nogodininae Schmidt 1912: 83
Nogodinini Schmidt 1912
Nogodinina Schmidt 1912 (sensu Fennah 1978).
- Biolleyana Distant, 1909: 335 (type-species: Nogodina pictifrons Stål, 1864: 53) (3 species, Mesoamerica, northern South America).
- Neovarcia Schmidt 1919: 161 (type-species: Varcia aequata Melichar, 1898) (apparently 2 species, Brazil).
- Nogodina Stål 1859: 326 (type-species: Flata reticulata Fabricius 1803) (1 extant species, widespread in South and Mesoamerica, plus doubtfully included species from Taiwan).
- Orthothyreus Schmidt 1919: 164 (type-species: Sassula apicalis Schmidt, 1905: 189) (Ecuador).
- Varciopsis Jacobi 1916: 312 (type-species: Ricania trigutta Walker, 1858) (apparently 3 species, South America).
Vutinina Fennah, 1978
- Vutina Stål, 1862: 70 (type-species: Flata atrata Fabricius, 1803) (5 species, tropical south America, reported Mesoamerica).
Bladinini Kirkaldy, 1907 (status Fennah, 1978).
Bladinina Kirkaldy, 1907 (Neotropical).
- Bladina Stål, 1859: 324 (type-species: Bladina fuscovenosa Stål, 1859: 324) (19 New World species; widespread Mesoamerica and tropical South America).
Colpopterinae Gnezdilov, 2003 (sensu Gnezdilov 2012).
- Bumerangum Gnezdilov, 2012: 767 (type species Bumerangum deckerti Gnezdilov, 2012; monotypic, South Africa).
- Caudibeccus Gnezdilov & O’Brien 2008: 22 (type species Colpoptera carlota Myers 1928; 5 species, Cuba, Bahamas, Dominica).
- Colpoptera Burmeister, 1835: 155 (type species Colpoptera sinuata Burmeister, 1835: 155; 23 species, widespread Caribbean, Mesoamerica, northern South America).
= Leptophara Stål, 1869: 102 (preoccupied; type species Flata rustica Fabricius, 1803: 53), replaced by Hesperophara Kirkaldy, 1904: 279; synonym by Gnezdilov & O’Brien (2008: 21).
- Dozierana Gnezdilov, 2018 (Type species Thionia gibbicollis Dozier, 1931, monotypic, Haiti).
- Jamaha Gnezdilov & O’Brien 2008: 24 (type species Colpoptera elevans Walker 1858) (2 species – Jamaica and Haiti).
- Jatoba† Poinar, Vega & Stroinski, 2020 (type species Jatoba losbrachi† Poinar, Vega & Stroinski, 2020; monotypic, Dominican Amber)
- Neocolpoptera Dozier 1931: 22 (type species Neocolpoptera portoricensis Dozier 1931:22; 5 species, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominica).
- Ugoa Fennah 1945: 505 (type species Ugoa glauca Fennah 1945: 505; monopasic, Trinidad).
Note: Gnezdilov et al. (2004) transferred Eupilis Walker, 1857: 93 (type species Eupilis albilineola Walker, 1857), Tempsa Stål, 1866: 208 (type species Issus malaya Stål 1854: 246), Gabaloeca Walker, 1870 (type species Gabaloeca retiferaWalker, 1870: 171 [monotypic]), and Cheiloceps Uhler 1895 (type species Cheiloceps musca Uhler, 1895: 68 [monotypic]), to Colpopterinae, but these were subsequently transferred to Issini [Issidae] by Gnezdilov (2012).
Selected Literature
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