Genus Paraliburnia Jensen-Haarup, 1917

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Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815

Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815

Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815

Genus Paraliburnia Jensen-Haarup, 1917: 1.

Type speciesParaliburnia jacobseni Jensen-Haarup, 1917: 2, junior. synonym of Delphax concolor Fieber, 1866b and Delphax adela Flor, 1861.


Holarctic (as currently defined).

Distribution of Paraliburnia from FLOW

Distribution of Paraliburnia from FLOW (as of 7 March 2020)

Recognized species

There are 5 described species in this genus (sensu Hamilton 2002).

New World

Paraliburnia furcata Hamilton 2002 – Canada; British Columbia

Paraliburnia kilmani (Van Duzee, 1897) – USA: Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Washington; Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon
= Liburnia kilmani Van Duzee 1897: 253.
= Delphacodes kilmani (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Muir & Giffard 1924: 20.
= Javesella kilmani (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Wilson 1992: 97.
= Paraliburnia kilmani (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Hamilton 2002a: 22.

Paraliburnia lecartus Hamilton 2002 – Canada: British Columbia

Old World

Paraliburnia adela (Flor, 1861) – Widespread in Europe except far north and Mediterranean region (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden); also Siberia, Kazakhstan, China.
= Delphax adela Flor, 1861; Original combination
= Delphacodes adela (Flor, 1861); comb. by China, 1938.
= Liburnia adela (Flor); comb. by Scott, 1870: 26.
= Liburnia signoreti Edwards, 1886 [nec Scott]; synonym by Haupt, 1935.
= Paraliburnia jacobseni Jensen-Haarup, 1917; syn with P. adela by Wagner (1963)
= Delphax ochroleuca Kirschbaum, 1868: 30; syn [with Delphax concolor Fieber. 1866] by Puton 1885a: 138.
= Liburnia ochroleuca (Kirschbaum); comb. by Fieber, 1872: 6.
= Delphax sordida Kirschbaum, 1868; syn. in Wagner 1963.
= Paraliburnia jacobseni Jensen-Haarup; syn with Delphax concolor Fieber, 1866b by Jensen-Haarup 1920: 15.
= Delphax concolor Fieber, 1866b; syn with P. adela by Wagner (1963)

Paraliburnia clypealis (Sahlberg, 1871) – Northern Europe and lowlands of north central Europe (Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden).
= Liburnia clypealis Sahlberg, 1871: 454; original combination.
= Delphax clypealis (Sahlberg, 1871); comb. by Puton 1875: 120.
= Delphacodes clypealis (Sahlberg, 1871); comb by Metcalf 1943: 417.
= Paraliburnia clypealis (Sahlberg, 1871); comb. by Wagner, 1963.

Economic importance

Limited. Status listed as insufficiently known in Britian.

Plant associations

Known hosts are grasses and sedges.

Paraliburnia adelaPhalaris arundinacea L.

Paraliburnia clypealisCalamagrostis canescens, Molinia caerulea, Rhynchospora spp., Eriophorum spp.;Carex spp.

Plant associations from  Holzinger et al. (2003: 367), Helden & Sheridan (2006), Gebicki et al. (2013: 36).  See also FLOW.

Paraliburnia clypealis

Paraliburnia clypealis from Gerno Kunz.

Paraliburnia adela from Gernot Kunz.

Paraliburnia adela from Gernot Kunz.

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia adela

Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani (from Claude Pilon on Bugguide)

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

  Paraliburnia kilmani

Online Resources.

Kunzweb Gallery.
Discover Life.
Fauna Europaea.
British bugs. (not there but should be)
Natural History Museum.
Spencer Entomological Collection at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum.

Molecular resources:

At this time BOLD provides molecular data for Paraliburnia kilmani but no other species; this genus.   GenBank provides data for Paraliburnia kilmani and a little for P. adela.

Selected References

Anon [probably  Jensen-Haarup, A. C.] 1916. Nye danske Cicader. Entomologiske meddelelser 363-364.

Anufriev, G. A. 2002. New and little known species of cycadoids of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera Cicadinea) from North Kyrgyzstan. Entomological Investigations in Kyrgyzstan 22: 165-170.

Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Ungarns (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 139-154.

Bartlett, C. R., L. B. O’Brien and S. W. Wilson. 2014. A review of the planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the United States. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 50: 1-287.

China, W. E. 1938. Corrections and additions to James Edwards’ catalogue of British Hemiptera-Homoptera, Perth, 1908 (excluding Psyllidae). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 74: 191-197.

Dlabola, J. 1977. Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. Enumeratio insectorum Bohemoslovakiae. Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 15(4): 83-96.

Drake, C. M. 1990. Paraliburnia clypealis (Sahlberg) (Hem., Auchenorrhyncha, Delphacidae) in Somerset. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 126: 74.

Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche and H. Hoch. 1983. Contribution to the planthopper fauna of Greece. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Annales de l’Institut Phytopathologique Benaki (N.S.) 14: 19-68.

DuBose, W. P. 1960. The genus Delphacodes Fieber in North Carolina (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 76: 36‑63.

Edwards, J. 1886. IV. A synopsis of British Homoptera-Cicadina. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1886: 41-129.

Fieber, F. X. 1866b. Grundzüge zur generischen Theilung der Delphacini. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 16: 517-534.

Fieber, F. X. 1872. Katalog der europäischen Cicadinen, nach Originalien mit Benützung der neuesten Literatur. Carl Gerold’s Sohn, Wein [Vienna, Austria]. Pp. i-iv, 1-19.

Flor, G. 1861. Die Rhynchoten Livlands in systematischer Folge beschrieben. Zweiter Theil: Rhynchota gulaerostria Zett. (Homoptera Au.t). Cicadina und Psyllodea. Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst-und Kurlands. (Ser. 2) 4: 1-567 [82].

Gebicki C., D. Swierczewski and J. Szwedo. 2013. Planthoppers and leafhoppers of Poland (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Systematics. Check-list. Bionomy. The Monograph. Annals of the Upper Silesia Museum, Entomology 21-22: 5-259.

Hamilton, K.G.A. 2002. Homoptera (Insecta) in Pacific Northwest grasslands. Part 1 – New and revised taxa of leafhoppers and planthoppers (Cicadellidae and Delphacidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 99: 3-31.

Haupt, H. 1935a. Unterordnung: Gleichflügler, Homóptera. In Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Ein Handbuch zu ihrer Bestimmung als Grundlage für faunistisch-zoogeographische Arbeiten. Unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Fachleute herausgegeben von P. Brohmer, P. Ehrmann und G. Ulmer. Vol./pp.: 4 (3):115-221. Fig(s).: 182-422. [Keys to the families, genera and species.]

Helden, A. J. and H. Sheridan. 2006. An Irish population of the little-known planthopper Paraliburnia clypealis (Hom., Delphacidae) in a very unexpected habitat. Irish Naturalists Journal 28: 232-239.

Holzinger, W. 1996a. Kritisches Verzeichnis der Zikaden Osterreichs (Ins.: Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Carinthia II 186/106: 501-517.

Holzinger, W. E., I. Kammerlander and H. Nickel. 2003. Fulgoromorpha, Cicadomorpha excluding Cicadellidae. Volume 1. The Auchenorrhyncha of Central Europe. Brill Academic Publishing, Leiden, Netherlands.

Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 1917. Some new Delphacinae from Denmark. (Hem. Hom.). Entomologiske Meddelelser. Kjobenhavn 11: 1-5.

Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 1920b. Hemipterological notes and descriptions. I. Entomol. Medd. 13:209-224. Fig(s).: 1-5. [2 n. spp. Dictyophora with synonymical notes.]

Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 1920a. Cikader. In Danmarks Fauna Illustrerede Haandbøger over den Danske dyreverden med Statsunderstøttelse udgivne af Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening. G. E. C. Gads . København. Vol./pp.: 1920:1-189. Fig(s).: 1-79. [Reprint of Jensen-Haarup 1915a-1918c.] (see P. 60)

Kirschbaum, C. L. 1868. Die Cicadinen der Gegend von Wiesbaden und Frankfurt a.M. nebst einer Anzahl neuer oder schwer zu unterscheidender Arten aus anderen Gegenden Europas. Jahrbuch des Nassauer Vereins fur Naturkunde 21/22: 1-202. [Delphax sordida Kirschbaum, 1868]

Lauterer, P. 1980. New and interesting records of leafhoppers from Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Musei Moraviae 65: 117-140.

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Metcalf, Z. P. 1943. General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea, Part 3, Araeopidae (Delphacidae). Smith College, Northhampton, Massachusetts. (see p. 389).

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