Genus Neodelphax Remes Lenicov and Brentassi, 2017

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Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815

Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815

Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815

Genus Neodelphax Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017

Type species: Neodelphax sakakibarai Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017


South temperate South America (Argentina and Chile)

Distribution of Neodelphax from FLOW (as of 4 March 2020)

Distribution of Neodelphax from FLOW (as of 4 March 2020)

Species composition

The genus includes 3 species as follows:

Neodelphax acheron (Fennah, 1957) – Chile (Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Chile South (Los Lagos); Chaihuín (Los Ríos Region: Juan Fernández Islands, Masatierra; Bahía Cumberland).
= Dicranotropis acheron Fennah 1957: 381; Remes Lenicov: 1996:126.
= Neodelphax acheron (Fennah, 1957); comb. by  Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017: 287.

Neodelphax fuscoterminata (Berg, 1879) – ARGENTINA: Salta, Tucumán, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza and Buenos Aires
= Liburnia fuscoterminata Berg 1879: 296.
= Liburnia nigricula Berg 1879: 296; syn. by Remes Lenicov, 1996: 124.
= Megamelus fuscoterminata (Berg ); comb. by Crawford 1914: 632.
= Megamelus nigricula (Berg); comb. by Crawford 1914: 632.
= Delphacodes fuscoterminata (Berg); comb. by Muir 1926: 38.
= Delphacodes nigricula (Berg); comb. by Muir 1926 : 37.
= Dicranotropis fuscoterminata (Berg); comb. by Remes Lenicov, 1996: 124.
= Neodelphax fuscoterminata (Berg, 1879); comb. by  Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017: 286

Neodelphax sakakibarai Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017 – Argentina (Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca and Buenos Aires).

Host Associations

Neodelphax fuscoterminata – Cynodon sp.; Sorghum vulgare Pers.(= Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) (Poales, Poaceae); Triticum sp. Zea mays L. (all Poales, Poaceae).

Parasites and predators
Cephalops penepauculus (Hardy, 1965) (Diptera, Pipunculidae); by  Virla & Rafael (1996: 35)
Pseudogonatopus chilensis Olmi, 1989 (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae); by Virla (1995: 124).

Plant associations from  Remes Lenicov & Brentassi (2017).


Key to species modified from Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017 (note: illustrations included below)

1 General coloration predominantly dark brown to black, except carinae, antennae and legs yellowish (Figs 14a, 15a). Vertex subquadrate, basal compartment relatively short (Figs 14b, 15b). Submedian frontal carinae joined far below lower level of eyes (Figs 14c, 15c). Processes of anal segment distinctly expanded at base (Figs 14d, 15d) …  2
1– General coloration yellowish brown with lighter intercarinal areas of frons, antennae and legs (Figs 16a, c). Vertex shorter than wide, basal compartment relatively large (Fig. 16b). Submedian frontal carinae joined just below lower level of eyes (Fig. 16c). Processes of anal segment uniformly wide at base (Fig. 16d) … N. acheron (Fennah)

2 Male with pygofer distinctly marked with yellow on dorso-lateral margin. Processes of anal segment slightly dilated subapically and projected in acute apical spine; parameres S-shaped with inner angle obscure; phallotheca short and laterally depressed with caudal process slender, ventrally projected closely below phallotrema (Fig. 14d). Female with genital scale subtriangular, strongly produced caudally (Fig. 14e), valvifer VIII expanded basally (Fig. 14f). Spur with 26–28 acute fine teeth … N. fuscoterminata (Berg)
2– Male pygofer uniformly brown dark, Processes of anal segment strongly wide basally, laterocaudad margins produced in well developed claw-like process caudoventrad curved; parameres slender and sinuous, moderately curved apically, inner angle distinct; phallotheca tubular with a spinous flag-like process at 1/3 apical (Fig. 15d). Females with genital scale wide and bispinose (Fig. 11), valvifer VIII widely produced at base (Fig. 12). Spur with 22–23 acute teeth … N. sakakibarai Remes Lenicov & Brentassi

According to Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017

“Neodelphax species can be easily recognized by the distinctive frontal carination, with the
submedian frontal carina forked below the eyes (an uncommon feature in Delphacini); by the regularly convex dorsocaudal margin of the pygofer and the spinous caudal processes on the anal segment well developed. It also has the phallotheca semitubular and dorsally directed bearing a spinose process from the lateral side and small apical or subapical teeth.”

Images and captions directly from Remes Lenicov & Brentassi, 2017

Neodelphax sakakibarai

Neodelphax sakakibarai

Neodelphax sakakibarai

Neodelphax sakakibarai

Neodelphax sakakibarai

FIGURES 1–13. Neodelphax sakakibarai sp. n. 1, male holotype, habitus, lateral view; 2, brachypter male, habitus, dorsal view; 3, head and thorax, dorsal view; 4, head, frontal view; 5, apex of hind leg (post tibial spur and tarsi); 6, pregenital segments of abdomen, dorsal view; 7, male genitalia, caudal view; 8, pygofer, ventro caudal view; 9, genital complex, left lateral view. Female: 10, genitalia, ventral view; 11, genital scale, ventral view; 12, right valvifer VIII; 13, median gonapophysis IX, lateral view. Scale lines: Figs 1–4= 1 mm; Figs 5–13= 0.5 mm.


FIGURES 14–16. Comparative features that distinguish species of Neodelphax n. gen. 14 (a–g), N. fuscoterminata (Berg). a –c, Habitus, male: a, lateral view, b, head and thorax, dorsal view, c, head, frontal view; d, male genitalia, caudal view; e–g,Female: e, genital scale, ventral view, f, right valvifer VIII, g, median gonapophysis IX, lateral view. 15, N. sakakibarai sp. n.;a –c, Habitus, male: a, lateral view, b, head and thorax, dorsal view, c, head, frontal view; d, male genitalia, caudal view.16, N.acheron (Fennah); a –c, Habitus, male: a, lateral view, b, head and thorax, dorsal view, c, head, frontal view; d, male genitalia, caudal view; e–g, Female, e, genital scale, ventral view, f, right valvifer VIII, g, median gonapophysis IX, lateral view. Scale lines: Figs. 14–16 (a) = 1 mm; Figs. 14–16 (b, c, d, g) = 0.5 mm; Figs. 14–16 (e, f) = 0.25 mm.

Online resources



Molecular resources

[To come, but probably none]

Selected references

Berg, C. 1879. Hemiptera Argentina. Enumeravit Speciesque Novas. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 7–8, 9–316.

Crawford, D. L. 1914. A contribution toward a monograph of the homopterous insects of the family Delphacidae of North and South America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 46, 557–640.

Campodonico, J. F. 2015. Sobre la distribución de Dicranotropis acheron Fennah, 1957 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) en Chile. Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 14, 265–268.

Fennah, R. G. 1957. Los insectos de las Islas Juan Fernández 29. Fulgoroidea. Revista Chilena de Entomología, 5, 375–384.

Fieber, F. X. 1866. Grundzüge zur generischen Theilung der Delphacini.Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 16, 517–534.

Guglielmino, A., V. d’Urso and C. Bückle. 2016. Revision of the Dicranotropis hamata group (Auchenorrhyncha, Delphacidae) and remarks on the implication of chiral dimorphism in its history. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 63 (1): 89–108.

Remes Lenicov A. M. M. and M. E.  Brentassi. 2017. New taxa and combinations in Neotropical Delphacini (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). Zootaxa 4281(1): 280-290 [281].

Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de, R. Mariani and A. Costamagna. 1997. Aspectos morfológicos y bioecológicos de Dicranotropis fuscoterminata (Berg) sobre cultivos de maíz. (Insecta-Homoptera-Delphacidae). Neotrópica, 43 (109–110), 7–14.

Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de and G. Varela. 2014. A new genera and species of Delphacini from Argentina (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea-Delphacidae). Zootaxa, 3861 (2), 177–184.

Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de and E. Virla. 1993. Homopteros Auquenorrincos asociados al cultivo de trigo en la República Argentina. I. Análisis preliminar de la importancia relativa de las especies. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 28 (4), 211–222.

Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de and E. Virla. 1999. Delfácidos asociados a cultivos de maíz en la República Argentina. (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae). Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, 104 (1), 1–15.

Virla, E.G. 1995. Biología de Pseudogonatopus chilensis Olmi 1989 (Hym. Dryinidae). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 19, 123–127.

Virla, E.G. and J. Rafael. 1996. Datos bionómicos preliminares y descripción de la hembra de Cephalops penepauculus (Hardy) (Diptera- Pipunculidae) un parasitoide de Delphacidae (Auchenorrhyncha) en Argentina. CIRPON Revista de Investigaciones, 10 (1–4), 33–36. [1994–1996]


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