Genus Kosswigianella Wagner, 1963

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Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815

Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815

Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815

Genus Kosswigianella Wagner, 1963

Type species (in original combination): Delphax exigua Boheman, 1847: 65.


= Acanthodelphax LeQuesne, 1964 (Type species Delphax denticauda Boheman, 1847); syn. by Hamilton 2002a: 20; status (subgenus) by Hamilton & Kwon (2010: 422); status revivisco (genus) according to Della Giustina (2019: 199).
= Kosswigianell Wagner, 1963; missp. by Ding, 2006: 627.
= Koswigianella Wagner, 1963; missp. by Dlabola 1966: 444.


Holarctic, especially north.

Distribution of Kosswigianella from FLOW

Distribution of Kosswigianella from FLOW (as of 25 Feb. 2020)

Recognized species

Note: Hamilton (2002) and Hamilton and Kwon (2010) considered Acanthodelphax Le Quesne, 1964 a subgenus of Kosswigianella.  I have placed all species within a subgenus based on prior placement in the genus or the apparent intention Hamilton (2002) and Hamilton and Kwon (2010). Recently, 3 Delphacodes were placed in this genus by Bartlett et al. (2014).  Acanthodelphax has a ventral ‘tooth’ on the pygofer, and the form of the aedeagus and parameres are a different. Some authorities, particularly European, retain Acanthodelphax as a full genus.

Twelve species are currently in this genus, as follows:

subgenus Kosswigianella Wagner, 1963

Kosswigianella exigua (Boheman, 1847) [Metcalf 1943: 436] – Widespread Palearctic: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain (England, Wales), Hungary, Italy, Japan (Honshu), Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia.
= Delphax exigua Boheman, 1847, original combination
= Delphax limitata Fieber, 1866; syn. by Wagner 1963: 175.
= Liburnia scutellata Scott, 1873; syn. by Le Quesne 1960.
= Delphax mocsaryi Horvath, 1897; syn. by Asche 1982 (the Horvath  article; see also Soos 1976).
= Delphacodes exidua var. arida Metcalf, 1943: 438; syn. (as Delphacodes arida) by Wagner 1963: 175.

Kosswigianella emeljanovi (Wilson, 1992)
= Delphacodes emeljanovi Wilson, 1992: 95.
= Kosswigianella emeljanovi (Wilson, 1992); comb. by Bartlett et al. (2014: 121).

Kosswigianella irrutilo Hamilton 2002 – USA: Colorado

Kosswigianella lutulenta (Van Duzee, 1897: 252) [Metcalf 1943: 406]  – USA: AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MN, MO, NC, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WI, WV; CAN: AB, BC, NS, ON, QC, SK; Puerto Rico
= Liburnia lutulenta Van Duzee, 1897: 252.
= Megamelus lutulentus (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Crawford 1914: 606, 617.
= Delphacodes lutulenta (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Muir & Giffard 1924: 23.
= Calligypona lutulenta (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Kontkanen 1958: 143.
= Kosswigianella lutulenta (Van Duzee, 1897); comb. by Hamilton & Kwon 2010: 421-422.

Kosswigianella lutulentoides (Beamer, 1948) – USA: MI, CA; CAN: AL, BC, SK
= Delphacodes lutulentoides Beamer, 1948a: 5.
= Kosswigianella lutulentoides (Beamer, 1948a); comb. by Bartlett et al. (2014: 121).

Kosswigianella perusta Beamer, 1947
= Delphacodes perusta Beamer, 1947: 62.
= Kosswigianella perusta (Beamer, 1947); comb. by Bartlett et al. (2014: 121).

subgenus Acanthodelphax Le Quesne, 1964 (type species Delphax denticauda Boheman, 1847); status revivisco according to Della Giustina (2019: 199).

Kosswigianella analis (Crawford, 1914: 620) [Metcalf 1943: 404] – Northern USA (higher elevations south) and Canada – USA: Alaska, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Wisconsin; Canada: Alberta, British Columbia  Labrador, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon.
= Megamelus analis Crawford, 1914: 620.
= Liburnia analis (Crawford, 1914); comb. by Van Duzee 1916a: 84.
= Delphacodes analis (Crawford, 1914); comb. by Muir & Giffard 1924: 24.
= Calligypona analis (Crawford, 1914); comb. by Kontkanen 1958: 143.
= Acanthodelphax analis (Crawford, 1914); comb. by Wilson 1988: 338-339.
= Kosswigianella analis (Crawford, 1914); comb. by Hamilton, 2002a: 20.

Kosswigianella denticauda (Boheman, 1847: 64) [Metcalf 1943: 423] – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain (England, Scotland), Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia (North European Russia, Central European Russia), Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine
= Delphacodes denticauda palliditestacea Metcalf 1943: 424 (nom. nov. for Liburnia denticauda var. b Sahlberg);  syn. by Wagner (1963: 175).
= Delphax denticauda Boheman, 1847 (original combination)
= Delphax conwentzi Matsumura, 1906; syn. by Wagner 1963: 175 (but treated as valid in Kosswigianella in Soos 1976).
= Liburnia insignis Scott, 1882; syn. by Webb & Wilson 1986: 285; they reference Le Quesne 1964: 57 for the syn., but I don’t see it there; see Le Quesne 1960: 14.
= Liburnia oxyura Haupt, 1935; syn in Wagner 1963: 175 (not sure if this is first use of this syn.)
= Achorotile denticauda (Boheman, 1847), comb. by Oshanin 1870: 48.
= Liburnia denticauda (Boheman, 1847), comb. by Scott 1870: 28.
= Delphax insignis (Scott, 1882), comb. by Puton 1886: 74.
= Delphacodes denticauda (Boheman, 1847), comb. by muir & Giffard 1924: 24.
= Calligypona denticauda (Boheman, 1847), comb. by Le Quesne 1960: 14.
= Muirodelphax denticauda (Boheman, 1847), comb. by Le Quesne 1964: 57.
= Liburnia conwentzi (Matsumura, 1906), comb. by Haupt 1935: 146.
= Delphacodes insignis (Scott, 1882), comb. by Metcalf 1943: 456.
= Delphacodes conwentzi (Matsumura, 1906), comb. by Metcalf 1943: 421-422.
= Delphacodes oxyura (Haupt, 1935), by Metcalf 1943: 478.
= Acanthodelphax denticaudus (Boheman, 1847), comb. by Vilbaste 1968: 73.
= Kosswigianella denticauda (Boheman, 1847) combinatio revivisco according to Hamilton (2002): 20

Kosswigianella kirgizorum (Anufriev, 2002: 166) – Kyrgyzstan
= Acanthodelphax kirgizorum Anufriev, 2002
= Kosswigianella kirgizorum (Anufriev, 2002) by Hamilton (2002)

Kosswigianella spinosa (Fieber, 1866: 528) [Metcalf 1943: 508] – Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Corsica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,  Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia
= Delphax spinosus Fieber, 1866
= Liburnia spinosa (Fieber, 1866), comb. by Haupt 1935.
= Delphacodes spinosa (Fieber, 1866), by Metcalf 1943.
= Kosswigianella spinosa (Fieber, 1866), by Wagner 1963.
= Acanthodelphax spinosus (Fieber, 1866) by Le Quesne 1964: 57.
= Kosswigianella spinosa (Fieber, 1866), by Hamilton 2002: 20.
= Delphax ferruginea Kirschbaum, 1868; syn. by Fieber 1872, Wagner 1939: 127.

Kosswigianella transuralica (Anufriev, 1977) – Mongolia, Russia (East European Russia, Magadan)
= Acanthodelphax transuralica Anufriev, 1977, previous combination according to Hamilton (2002: 20).

Kosswigianella wasatchi Hamilton 2002 – USA: Utah

Plant Associations:

Grasses (Poaceae) as follows:

Kosswigianella denticauda: Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. (tufted hairgrass).
Kosswigianella spinosa: Nardus stricta L. (matgrass), Festuca spp., Festuca cyllenica Boiss. & Heldr., Festuca ovina L. (sheep fescue), Festuca rubra L.
Kosswigianella exigua: Festuca ovina L., Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv., Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin.
Kosswigianella exigua, Kosswigianella spinosaFestuca ovina L. (Gebicki et al. 2013: 39)
Kosswigianella lutulenta: Ischaemum muticum L. (as Andropogon repens (Roxb.) Steud.), Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass, Puccinellia nuttalliana (Schult.) Hitchc. (Nuttall’s alkaligrass).  I have collected this species from Aira caryophyllea L. var. caryophyllea (silver hairgrass) in western Maryland.

Sources for host information: Wilson et al. (1994), Holzinger et al. (2003), Gebicki et al. 2013: 39. Others may be found in FLOW  or Nickel (2003). Plant names from USDA PLANTS or Tropicos.

Kosswigianella lutulenta  by Gonatopus americanus (Perkins, 1905) (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) according to Giri et al. 1985: 72.

Economic Importance

Probably limited. Some species are common, but not recorded as pests.


Hamilton (2002) notes that the dark abdomen with respect to the rest of the body is characteristic for the genus.  Acanthodelphax s.s. has a tooth at the ventral margin of the opening of the pygofer.

This is a common genus; Kosswigianella lutulenta is frequently found by sweeping in the eastern US.

Kosswigianella analis (Photos by Kimberley Shropshire, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware)

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis

Kosswigianella analis from Hamilton 2002

Kosswigianella analis from Hamilton 2002

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella (Acanthodelphax) denticauda

Kosswigianella (Acanthodelphax) denticauda (female) from Gernot Kunz.

Kosswigianella (Acanthodelphax) denticauda

Kosswigianella (Acanthodelphax) denticauda (male) from Gernot Kunz.


Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda


Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda

Kosswigianella denticauda (female)

Kosswigianella irrutilo

Kosswigianella irrutilo

Kosswigianella irrutilo from Hamilton 2002

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta (hind tibia and calcar)

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta

Kosswigianella lutulenta aedeagal complex – gonostyli, connective, aedeagus and anal tube)

Kosswigianella spinosa

Kosswigianella spinosa

Kosswigianella spinosa from Hamilto 2002

Kosswigianella transuralica from Anufriev 1977

Kosswigianella transuralica from Anufriev 1977

Kosswigianella wasatchi

Kosswigianella wasatchi

Kosswigianella wasatchi from Hamilton 2002

Molecular resources

At this time, neither Genbank or Bold has molecular resources for this genus.  Urban et al. (2010) sequenced 4 genetic loci (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, wingless, and cytochrome oxidase I) for Kosswigianella analis, and Kosswigianella denticauda.

Selected References

Anufriev, G. A. 1977. Two new species of Auchenorrhynchous Insects from the temperate Asia. Reichenbachia 16(21): 211-215.

Anufriev, G. A. 2002. [New and little known species of cycadoids of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera, Cicadinea) from north Kyrgyzstan.] Entomologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kirgizii [Entomological Investigations in Kyrgyzstan] 22: 165-170 [In Russian].

Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna der Turkei (Anatolien) (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 71-98.

Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Jugoslawiens und Bulgariens (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 99-138.

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Asche, M. and R. Remane. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Griechenlands I (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6): 231-290.

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Bartlett, C. R. and J. L. Bowman. 2004. Preliminary inventory of the planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A. Entomological News 114: 246-254.

Bartlett, C. R., L. B. O’Brien and S. W. Wilson. 2014. A review of the planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the United States. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 50: 1-287.

Beamer, R. H. 1947. Some new species of Delphacodes (continued) with two old ones (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 20(2): 58-71.

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Remane, R. and M. Asche. 1979. Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie, Phylogenie und Verbreitung der Gattung Conomelus Fieber 1866. Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae), mit einer ergänzenden Beschreibung von Delphacellus putoni (Scott 1874). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(1): 1-132.

Remane, R. and W. Frohlich. 1994. Vorlaufige, kritische Artenliste der im Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nachgewiesenen Taxa der Insekten-Gruppe der Zikaden (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(8): 189-232.

Sahlberg, J. R. 1871. Ofversigt af Finlands och den Skandinaviska hälfons Cicadariae. I. Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Förhandlingar. Helsingfors 9(12): 1-506 [457].

Scott, J. 1870a. On certain British Hemiptera-Homoptera. Revision of the family Delphacidae, and descriptions of several new species of the genus Delphax of authors. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 7: 22-29.

Scott, J. 1873f. Description of three new Continental and one British species of Liburnia. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 10: 104-107.

Scott, J. 1882. Description of a new species of Liburnia. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 18: 270-271. [Liburnia insignis Scott, 1882].

Soós, A. 1976. Új és ritka sarkantyúskabóca-fajok a magyar faunában I. (Homoptera: Delphacidae, Criomorphinae). [Neue und wenig bekannte Delphaciden aus Ungarn. I. (Homoptera: Delphacidae, Criomorphinae)]. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 29(1): 93-102.

Strickland, E. H. 1953. An annotated list of the Hemiptera (s.l.) of Alberta. Canadian Entomologist 85: 193-214.

Swierczewski, D. and A. Stroinski. 2011. Planthoppers and leafhoppers of the Przedborski Landscape Park (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 80: 277-290.

Van Duzee, E. P. 1894e. A list of the Hemiptera of Buffalo and Vicinity. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Science 5(4): 167-204 .

Van Duzee, E. P. 1897a. A preliminary review of the North American Delphacidae. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 5(5): 225-261.

Van Duzee, E. P. 1916a. Check list of Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America North of Mexico. New York Entomological Society, New York. 111 pp. [see p. 78 onward]

Van Duzee, E. P. 1917b. Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America North of Mexico (excepting the Aphididae, Coccidae and Aleurodidae). University of California Publications, Technical Bulletins, vol. 2. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. i-xiv, 1-902. [from Google books] [see p. 716 onward]

Vilbaste, J. 1968. K faune tsikadovykh Primorskogo Kraia [On the Cicadine fauna of the Primosk region]. Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut (Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia) [Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR]. Valgus, Tallinn, Estonia. 179 pp. [in Russian]

Vilbaste, J. 1971. Eesti Tirdid. Homoptera-Cicadinea I. (Tettigometridae, Cixiidae, Delphacidae, Achilidae, Issidae, Cicadidae, Aphrophoridae, Membracidae). Kirjastus “Valgus”, Tallinn, 1-284.

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