[Back to Higher classification of Delphacidae]
Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815
Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815
Genus Chloriona Fieber, 1866: 522.
Widespread in the Palearctic region, Asia, and Africa. One species is misplaced in this genus from Jamaica, one species adventive to North America.
Type species (in original combination): Delphax unicolor Herrich-Schaffer, 1835.
Recognized species
There are 22 (or so) recognized species in this genus:
New World
1 Chloriona nigrifrons Van Duzee, 1907: 45– Jamaica
Old World (distribution records incomplete)
1 Chloriona adunca Ding, 1981 – China
2 Chloriona alaica Dubovsky, 1970 – Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia (Tuva), Russia (Kirghizia)
Chloriona albotristriata (Kirkaldy, 1907) (Australia) – moved into Nilaparvata
3 Chloriona arakawai Matsumura, 1935 – Japan (Shikoku)
4 Chloriona chinai Ossiannilsson, 1946 – Estonia, Finland, Sweden, East European Russia,
5 Chloriona clavata Dlabola, 1960 – Afghanistan, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Mongolia, (eastern) Russia (e.g., Dagestan), Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia, more.
6 Chloriona dorsata Edwards, 1898: 59 – Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia, more.
= Chloriona danica Jensen-Haarup, 1917 synonym by Jensen-Haarup (1920)
= Chloriona zaisanica
7 Chloriona glaucescens Fieber, 1866: 522 – Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia, Mellum Island
= Chloriona unicolor alba Sahlberg, 1871; syn by Nast 1972: 48 (syn. as “?” under unicolor unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer) in Wagner 1963: 174).
= Chloriona unicolor dorsalis Sahlberg, 1871; syn by Nast 1972: 48 (syn. as “?” under unicolor unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer) in Wagner 1963: 174)..
= Chloriona unicolor flava Sahlberg, 1871; syn by Nast 1972: 48 (syn. as “?” under unicolor unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer) in Wagner 1963: 174)..
= Chloriona unicolor nigrofasciata Sahlberg, 1871; syn by Nast 1972: 48 (syn. as “?” under unicolor unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer) in Wagner 1963: 174)..
= Chloriona unicolor nigromaculata Sahlberg, 1871; syn by Nast 1972: 48 (syn. as “?” under unicolor unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer) in Wagner 1963: 174)..
Chloriona gvosdevi Mitjaev, 1980: 36 (Kazakhstan) – see Paradelphacodes (viz. Mitjaev 2002, see also Dmitriev & McKamey 2013).
8 Chloriona indigena Dubovsky, 1966 – Russia (Kirghizia)
9 Chloriona inermis Emeljanov, 1972 – Mongolia
10 Chloriona japonica Matsumura, 1935 – Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu)
11 Chloriona jegoroviensis Vilbaste, 1980 – Russia
Chloriona oranensis Matsumura, 1910 – (Algeria) – Syn with C. unicolor by Nast 1984: 393.
Chloriona ostorius (Kirkaldy, 1907) – (Australia) – see Harmalia.
12 Chloriona ponticana Asche, 1982 – Crete (also Greece, Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, Turkey here)
13 Chloriona sachalinensis Matsumura, 1935 – Russia (Sakhalin)
14 Chloriona shikokuana Matsumura, 1935 – Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku)
= Chloriona sukumonis Matsumura, 1935; syn by Nast 1972: 48
15 Chloriona sicula Matsumura, 1910 – Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Isreal, Italy (inc. Sicily), Kazakhstan, Morocco, Spain, Turkey; informally reported from Canada [Ontario, Quebec], and USA [Massachusetts and apparently Pennsylvania])
= Chloriona flaveola Lindberg 1948 sensu Asche 1982 syn. by Nast 1984: 394.
16 Chloriona smaragdula (Stal, 1853) – Widespread in Europe, Russia, Middle East [Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine]
= Delphax smaragdula Stål, 1853: 174, original combination
= Liburnia smaragdula (Stål, 1853); combination by Stal 1866: 180.
= Chloriona smaragdula (Stal), comb. by Dallas 1867: 560.
= Chloriona prasina Fieber, 1872: 28. missp. for C. prasinula Fieber.
= Chloriona prasinula Fieber, 1872: 5 (1878: 297), syn. by Fieber 1872: 28, Puton 1875 : 118, Fieber 1878: 297 (Nast 1972: 48).
17 Chloriona stenoptera (Flor, 1861: 32) – Austria, Estonia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Russia.
= Delphax stenoptera Flor, 1861, original combination
= Chloriona stenoptera (Flor, 1861), comb. by Dallas (1867: 560)
18 Chloriona strymon Fennah, 1958 – South Africa 19 Chloriona tateyamana Matsumura, 1935 – Japan (Honshu, Kyushu), Mongolia, Russia (Kazakhstan, Primorye – Maritime Territory), China, Taiwan,
Chloriona thyestes (Kirkaldy, 1907) – Australia (Queensland) (Syn. with Nilaparvata albotristriata (Kirkaldy) by Bellis & Donaldson 2016.
= Delphax thyestes Kirkaldy, 1907: 152, original combination
= Chloriona thyestes (Kirkaldy), comb. by Metcalf, 1943: 328.
20 Chloriona tosaensis Matsumura, 1935 – Japan (Shikoku)
Chloriona turneri Muir, 1929 – South Africa – synonym of Matutinus vitticollis (Stål, 1855) by ?
21 Chloriona unicolor (Herrich-Schaffer, 1835) – Widespread in Europe, Russia, Middle East (Afghanistan, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canary Islands, Crimea, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy (inc. Sicily), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia (Tuva), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Transcaucasus (Gruziya) [= Georgia], Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia)
= Chloriona oranensis Matsumura, 1910 – (Algeria) – Syn. by Nast 1984: 393, Noted Nast 1987: 629.
= Chloriona edwardsi Le Quesne, 1960; synonym noted Nast 1987: 629.
= Chloriona canariensis Lindberg, 1954; synonym by Asche 1982
22 Chloriona vasconica Ribaut, 1934 – France, Germany, Poland, Russia (Karacheyevo-Cherkessiya, Krasnodar)
There were several ‘forms’ of Chloriona unicolor named by Sahlberg, 1871: 406, subsequently given names by Metcalf (1943: 330), I am not sure of their present status (i.e., valid names of synonyms; Nast 1972: 48 listed them as synonyms of C. glaucescens ).
Fossil form
Chloriona stavropolitana† (Becker-Migdisova, 1964) – Russia (Stavropol)
= Liburnia stavropolitana† Becker-Migdisova, 1962 nomen nudum of Chloriona stavropolitana† (Becker-Migdisova, 1964) according to Becker-Migdisova (1964)
Plant associations:
This genus feeds mostly on Phragmites (Common Reed) and Arundo (Giant Cane). Reported from Phragmites are Chloriona chinai, C. clavata, C. dorsata, C. glaucescens, C. ponticana, C. sicula, C. smaragdula, C. stenoptera, C. tateyamana, C. unicolor, and C. vasconica.
Reported from Arundo are Chloriona clavata, C. flaveola, C. glaucescens, C. ponticana, C. sicula, C. unicolor, and C. vasconica.
Also reported C. tateyamana from Typha laxmanni Lepech.
See Wilson et al. (1994), Nickel (2003) and FLOW for additional plant association information.
Economic Importance: Both giant cane and common reed are important invasive plants in the New World.
Chloriona nigrifrons does not belong in Chloriona (fixing this is on my list of things to do). Evidently, the Australian species (Chloriona thyestes) does not belong either (and I am doubtful on C. strymon).
Keys to genus and species of the European fauna fan be found in Holzinger et al. 2003. Species are difficult because of intraspecific variation.
Flattened, head somewhat projecting, relatively large; most are greenish in life. Brachypterous individuals with very short forewings. The male terminalia (pygofer broadly opened in caudal view, gonostyli narrow, simple, and widely diverging) are rather distinctive at the genus level.
Chloriona glaucescens by Gernot Kunz from FLOW.
Chloriona alaica
Chloriona smaragdula
Chloriona unicolor
Chloriona nigrifrons (From Jamaica – this species does not belong in this genus. I suspect I know where it belongs and I will put it there after I have some confirmation of my ideas.)
Holotype – Images courtesy Norm Penny, California Academy of Sciences
Online resources
Insects of Australia
Discover Life
Gernot Kunz Kunzweb Gallery Europe (C. smaragdula)
Leafhopper, Planthopper & Psyllid Vectors of Plant Disease
Insects of Australia (Chloriona thyestes listed)
3I Interactive Keys and Taxonomic Databases (Dmitry Dmitriev)
Japanese Auchenorrhyncha Image Gallery (C. tateyamana)
DEpository (Metazoa of Germany) (several species listed)
Web images
Flickr (search = Chloriona)
Chloriona tateyamana on the Japanese Auchenorrhyncha Image Gallery
Chloriona japonica on Wiki Commons
Chloriona smaragdula on Gernot Kunz website
Chloriona unicolor on Lincolnshires Flora and Fauna
and there are others…
Molecular resources
On Genbank there is some sequence data for Chloriona dorsata, C. glaucescens, C. smaragdula, C. unicolor and C. vasconica here. BOLD has barcode data for 3 species of Chloriona (here).
Selected references
Anufriev, G. A. 2009. Cicadina. Pp. 52-69. In: Insects of Lazovsky Nature Reserve., Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Institute of biology and soil Science, Vladivostok Dalnauka (Russia).
Asche, M. 1982. Intraspezifische Variabilität der männlichen Genitalarmatur, dargestellt am Beispiel der Chloriona-Arten Ch. flaveola Lindberg, 1948, Ch. unicolor Herrich-Schäffer, 1835 und Ch. ponticana nov. spec. (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6): 159-190.
Becker-Migdisova, E. E. 1964. Tretichnye ravnokrylye Stavropol’ya [Tertiary Homoptera of Stavropol]. Trudy Paleozoologischeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 104: 1-116.
Bellis, G. A. and J. F. Donaldson. 2016. Reassessment of some of Kirkaldy’s Australian species of Delphacini (Hemiptera: Delphacidae: Delphacinae). Austral Entomology 55: 247–260. DOI: 10.1111/aen.12180.
D’Urso V., Gjonov I. V. & Mifsud D. 2019. New records of Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) from the Maltese archipelago with an updated checklist. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta 10: 61-73. [PDF here]
Dallas. W. S. 1867. Insecta. Zoological Record. London 3: 558-573.
de Vrijer, P.W.F. and M. C. Gillham. 1993. Acoustic differentiation and reproductive isolation between reed feeding Chloriona planthoppers. In: S. Drosopoulos, P.V. Petrakis, M.F. Claridge, and P.W.F. de Vrijer (eds.). Proceedings of the 8th Auchenorryncha Congress. 9-13 August 1993. Delphi, Greece. Pp. 89-90.
Dlabola, J. 1960. Einige пеuе Zikaden aus Dagestan und Zentralasien (Homoptera). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde 40: 1-5.
Dmitriev, D. A. and S. H. McKamey. 2013. Nomenclatural changes in Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae and Delphacidae (Homoptera). Zookeys, (277): 109-113.
Dubovsky, G. K. 1970. New species of Auchenorrhyncha in Middle Asia. Uzbek Biological Journal 6: 46-50.
Edwards, J. 1898. Notes on the genus Chloriona, Fieber; with description of a new species. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 34: 58-62.
Emeljanov, A. F. 1972. New leafhoppers from the Mongolian People’s Republic (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Nauka 1: 199-260 [205].
Emeljanov, A. F. 1982. Fulgoroidea (Homoptera) collected in the Mongolian People’s Republic by the entomofaunistical group of the Soviet Mongolian complex biological expedition in 1970-1975. Insects Mongolia 8: 69-122.
Fennah, R. G. 1958. Fulgoroidea from West Africa. Bulletin de l’Institut Français Afrique Noire. (Ser. A) 20: 460-538.
Fieber, F. X. 1866b. Grundzüge zur generischen Theilung der Delphacini. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologish-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 16: 517-534.
Fieber, F. X. 1872. Berichtigungen zu Dr. Kirschbaum’s Cicaden der Gegend von Wiesbaden, Frankfurt a. M. und anderer Gegenden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 22: 27-34.
Flor, G. 1861. Die Rhynchoten Livlands in systematischer Folge beschrieben. Zweiter Theil: Rhynchota gulaerostria Zett. (Homoptera Au.t). Cicadina und Psyllodea. Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst-und Kurlands. (Ser. 2) 4: 1-567.
Gębicki, C., D. Świerczewski and J Szwedo. 2013. Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Poland (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Systematics, Check-list, Bionomy. The Monograph. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology 21-22: 1-245.
Gillham, M., J. Rozeboom, C. Rijk and P. deVrijer. 1992. Reproductive isolation in Chloriona planthoppers (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.) 3: 121-122.
Gillham, M. C. and P.W.F. deVrijer. 1995. Patterns of variation in the acoustic calling signals of Chloriona planthoppers (Homoptera: Delphacidae) coexisting on the common reed Phragmites australis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 54: 245-269.
Gnezdilov V. M. 2001. New and little known leafhoppers and planthoppers from Caucasus (Homoptera, Cicadina). Zoosystematica Rossica 9(2): 359-364.
Hayashi, M. and S. Fujinuma. 2016. Part Fulgoromorpha. Pp. 323-355. In: M. Hayashi, M. Tomokuni, K. Yoshizawa, and T. Ishikawa. (eds.). Catalogue of the insects of Japan. Volume 4 Paraneoptera (Psocodea, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera), 4. Editorial Committee of Catalogue of the Insects of Japan, Entomological Society of Japan.
Herrich-Schäffer, G.A.W. 1835. Homoptera. Nomenclator Entomologicus. Verzeichnis der europäischen Insecten: zur Erleichterung des Tauschverkehrs mit Preisen versehen 1: 1-116.
Holzinger, W. E., I. Kammerlander and H. Nickel. 2003. Fulgoromorpha, Cicadomorpha excluding Cicadellidae. Volume 1. The Auchenorrhyncha of Central Europe. Brill Academic Publishing, Leiden, Netherlands.
Holzinger W., Huber E., Schlosser L. & Kunz G. 2020. Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830) and three other true hopper species new for Austria (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 19: 9-19.
Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 1920. Danmarks Fauna Illustrerede Haandboger over den Danske dyreverden med Statsunderstottelse udgivne af Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening. 189 pp.
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Fieber, F. X. 1866. Grundzüge zur generischen Theilung der Delphacini. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 16: 517-534.
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Lindberg, H. 1946. Die Biologie von Pipunculus chlorionae Frey und die Einwirkung von dressen Parasitismus auf Chloriona-Arten. Acta Zoologica Fennica., Helsingfors 45:1-50 + 14 figs.
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Nast, J. 1984. Notes on some Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), 1-5. Annales Zoologici Warszawa 37(-5): 391-398.
Nickel, H. 2003. The leafhoppers and planthoppers of Germany (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha), patterns and strategies in a highly diverse group of phytophagous insects. Pensoft Series Faunistica, Sofia and Moscow 28: 460 pp.
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Ossiannilsson, F. 1946. Chloriona chinai n. sp. A new Swedish species of Chloriona (Hom. Araeopidae). With remarks on the synonymy of Chloriona smaragdula (Stal). Opuscula Entomologica. Edidit Societas Entomologica Lundensis 11: 84-87.
Ossiannilsson, F. 1978. The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part 1: Introduction, infraorder Fulgoromorpha. Scandinavian Science Press, Kopenhagen. 7(2): 1–222
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Strübing, H. 1960. Eiablage und photoperiodisch bedingte Generationsfolge von Chloriona smaragdula STAL und Euidella speciosa BOH. Homoptera – Auchenorrhyncha). Zoologische Beitrage, Neue Folge 5: 301-332.
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