The Lophopidae was established as a family-level taxon by Stål (1866) (e.g., here). Melichar (1915), established an early classification of the Lophopidae with 4 tribes in the type subfamily (Lophopinae), viz.: Lophopini Stål, 1866, Elasmoscelini Melichar, 1915, Menoscini Melichar, 1915 and Elicaini Melichar, 1915 (the last of these subsequently treated as an incorrect spelling, corrected to Elicini Melichar, 1915). Baker (1925) established the subfamily Acarninae. Muir (1930) remarked on the classification and presented the following arrangement, but did nor formally revise the higher classification.
Metcalf (1955) essentially presented Melichar’s (1915) classification as emended by subsequent workers. Soulier-Perkins (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 [etc.]) revised the Lophopidae and presented the first phylogenetic treatment of the family. She explored the impact of sexual selection on the phylogeny (Soulier-Perkins & Bourgoin 1998, Soulier-Perkins 2001) of Lophopidae and provided a “phylogenetic and geotectonic scenario to explain the biogeography of the Lophopidae” (Soulier-Perkins 2000), which has been revised in several details as new taxa were discovered, especially fossils and extant taxa of the Indomalayan region. She presented the following summary of early classifications:
Soulier-Perkins (1998, 2001) phylogenetic work was quantitative phylogenetic analyses based on morphology that provided the basis for the modern classification. Soulier-Perkins (1998, 2001) abandoned the early work (viz. illustrated in Soulier-Perkins, 1998, presented above). Her classification (Soulier-Perkins 1997, 1998, 2001) consisted of 4 unranked groups: Carriona+, Makota+, Bisma+ and Sarebasa+ (following the naming convention of De Souxa Amorin (1982; ex: A+B+C = group A+), and transferred out of Lophopidae the genera Hesticus Walker (moved to Tropiduchidae by Emeljanov 2014) and Silvanana Metcalf (with Pharsalus Melichar moved to Ricaniidae by Gnezdilov (2009).
Curiously, Soulier-Perkins never formalized the classification of Lophopidae, this was done by Emeljanov (2013), who defined 2 subfamilies and 6 tribes as follows (expanded below)
Lophopinae Stål, 1866
Elasmoscelini Melichar, 1915
Lophopini Stål, 1866
Menoscinae Melichar, 1915
Acarnini Baker, 1925
Carrioniini Emeljanov, 2013
Menoscini Melichar, 1915
Virgiliini Emeljanov, 2013
Family Lophopidae Stål, 1866
Subfamily Lophopinae Stål, 1866: 199
= Lophopida Stål, 1866 (original spelling)
Groupings by Soulier-Perkins (1998, 2001)
“Carrionia group”
Carrionia Muir, 1931
“Makota-group” Soulier-Perkins, 2001
Buxtoniella Muir, 1927
Clonaspe Fennah, 1955
Makota Distant, 1909
Painella Muir, 1931
Virgilia Stål, 1870
“Bisma-group “ Soulier-Perkins, 2001
Acarna Stål, 1863
Aluma Distant, 1909
Apia Distant, 1909
Asantorga Melichar, 1915
Bisma Distant, 1906
Jugoda Melichar, 1915
Kasserota Distant, 1906
Lapithasa Melichar, 1914
Maana Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Magia Distant, 1907
Megacarna Baker, 1925
Menosca Stål, 1870
Onycta Fennah, 1955
Pseudocorethrura Melichar, 1915
Pseudotyxis Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Zeleja Melichar, 1915
Zophiuma Fennah, 1955 (=Hellerides Lallemand, 1962; Liang 1995)

Magia subocellata Distant (New South Wales Government, Department of Primary Industries Biosecurity Collections, Fulgoroidea key.)
“Sarebasa-group” Soulier-Perkins, 2001
Acothrura Melichar, 1915
Corethrura Hope, 1843
Elasmoscelis Spinola, 1839
Lacusa Stål, 1862
Lophops Spinola, 1839 (=Astorga Kirkaldy 1906, = Brixioides Kirby, 1891, = Cystingocephala Stal, 1855, = Gozarta Walker, 1870)
Paracorethrura Melichar, 1915
Pitambara Distant, 1906
Podoschtroumpfa Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Pyrilla Stål, 1859
Sarebasa Distant, 1909
Serida Walker, 1857
Excluded from Lophopidae by Soulier-Perkins
Hesticus Walker, 1862 (not placed)
Silvanana Metcalf, 1947 – to Ricaniidae by Gnezdilov (2009): 808
Not found or not placed
Baninus† Szwedo & Wappler, 2006
Cintux† Stroinski & Szwedo, 2012
Epiptyxis Gerstaecker, 1895
Katoma Baker, 1925
Meloenopia Metcalf, 1952
Ordralfabetix† Szwedo, 2011
Ridesa Schumacher, 1915
Scoparidea† Cockerell, 1920
Classification of Lophopidae from Emeljanov 2014 (From FLOW)
Subfamily Lophopinae Stål, 1866
Tribe Elasmoscelini Melichar, 1915
Elasmoscelis Spinola, 1839

Elasmoscelis species (from Wiki Commons by Elitre)
Tribe Lophopini Stål, 1866
Acothrura Melichar, 1915
Corethrura Hope, 1843
Katoma Baker, 1925
Lacusa Stål, 1862
Lophops Spinola, 1839 (=Cystingocephala Stål, 1853 synonym by Stål 1866; Gozarta Walker, 1870 synonym by Distant 1909; Brixioides Kirby, 1891 synonym by Melichar 1915; Astorga Kirkaldy, 1906 synonym by Melichar 1915)
Paracorethrura Melichar, 1915
Pitambara Distant, 1906
Podoschtroumpfa Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Pyrilla Stål, 1859 (= Zamila Walker, 1862 synonym by Distant 1907; Microchoria Kirby, 1891 synonym by Melichar 1915)
Sarebasa Distant, 1909
Serida Walker, 1857

Lophops saccharicida (Kirkaldy) New South Wales Government, Department of Primary Industries Biosecurity Collections, Fulgoroidea key.

Lophops saccharicida from BOLD.
Subfamily Menoscinae Melichar, 1915
Tribe Acarnini Baker, 1925
Acarna Stål, 1863
subgenus Acarna Stål, 1863
subgenus Acarnana Emeljanov, 2012
Jugoda Melichar, 1915
Kasserota Distant, 1906
Maana Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Magia Distant, 1907
Megacarna Baker, 1925
Meloenopia Metcalf, 1952 (Oenopia Melichar, 1913 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Meloenopia Metcalf, 1952)
Onycta Fennah, 1955
Zophiuma Fennah, 1955 (Hellerides Lallemand, 1962 synonym by Liang 1995: 163)
Tribe Carrioniini Emeljanov, 2013
Carrionia Muir, 1931
Tribe Menoscini Melichar, 1915
Aluma Distant, 1909
Apia Distant, 1909
Asantorga Melichar, 1915
Bisma Distant, 1906
Epiptyxis Gerstaecker, 1895
Jivatma Distant, 1906
Lapithasa Melichar, 1914
Menosca Stål, 1870
Pseudocorethrura Melichar, 1915
Pseudotyxis Soulier-Perkins, 1998
Zeleja Melichar, 1915
Tribe Virgiliini Emeljanov, 2013
Buxtoniella Muir, 1927
Clonaspe Fennah, 1955
Makota Distant, 1909
Painella Muir, 1931
Venisiella Stroinski & Soulier-Perkins, 2015
Virgilia Stål, 1870
Lophopidae incertae sedis
Baninus† Szwedo & Wappler, 2006
Binaluana Soulier-Perkins & Stroinski, 2015
Cintux† Stroinski & Szwedo, 2012
Gesaris† Szwedo, Stroinski & Lin, 2015
Lacusa orientalis Liang, 2000
Ordralfabetix† Szwedo, 2011
Panegu Soulier-Perkins & Stroinski, 2016
Scoparidea† Cockerell, 1920
Silvispina Wang & Soulier-Perkins, 2016
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